Pete Stewart: It came from a poem that our drummer wrote about his grandma when she died. It was around the time the band was starting, and when he showed it to me, I thought it was really cool, so we went with it.
Pete: I really just think of us as a rock band. There's certainly elements of alternative rock in our sound, and more 70's classic rock influence. We didn't really set out with an agenda musically, we just played what was natural for the three of us to play, and what you hear is what happened.
Pete: Led Zeppelin, Rush, the Beatles, the Doors, Nirvana
Pete: Well, we certainly wouldn't compromise our message or what we do. I think we'd be happy to have our music spread to the mainstream market, if that ever happens. We've played quite a few "secular" concerts since we started, and a lot of non-Christians have told us how much they like our band, so I think we could do fairly well. We're not worrying about whether that will or won't ever happen, though. It's not really the kind of thing you can make happen, it's gotta be God's will (and probably a little luck, too).
Pete: I constantly think about life, and issues in my own life dealing with doubt, faith, struggle, peace, and joy. The songs are mere reflections of my own thoughts and process of growing as a Christian and human being.
Pete: "Sick of will" is a song about dying to human nature and sin. To me, that's a constant struggle, which is why I relate to the writings of the apostle Paul so much. With "Execution," we just decided as a group that abortion was something we wanted to take a strong stand about, and we collaborated to put that song together. It's a very graphic and harsh song, and even offensive. But, I think it's very effective to make its point.
Pete: The title track is a song that tells the story of the gospel in a sort of parable, children's story style. Our goal musically with this record was to write the best songs we could, and really show our diversity more with this album. Lyrically, I wanted to say something more with the songs than Lonely House may have. Lyric-writing is really an art, and I think I may have reached another level of not only expressing myself with this album, but also really having a message that's perhaps more pronounced than the last record was. I'm always trying to grow as a lyric writer and a communicator, so with "flying" that's what I wanted to do.
Pete: Yes, we're planning on doing 2 videos for this album.
Pete: Yes, it does. In some ways I understand--I've been into a lot of the same music that that age of people have been, but I've met some 40 and even 60-year old parents at shows who are practically as much into us as their kids are.
Pete: I think it's more important for Christian musicians to put on the best quality concerts they can, so fans will want to come. We need to do what we do in excellence.
Pete: Yes, it will be this fall, and we're looking at several different bands, so I'm not allowed to say which ones yet!
Pete: Recently, it would be Star Trek: First Contact.
Pete: My favorite Christian band is poor old lu. I also love Larry Norman's records, POD, Jeremy Enigk, Soulfood 76, and Christafari. I listen to a variety of music, and Christian music is part of it. I really enjoy listening to bands that can express the gospel and/or their love for Christ in a very artistic and excellent manner. I think we're starting to see more and more really good quality christian bands arise, which I totally applaud. etc....
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