For months, there have been rumors, but no official word from the band that Tooth & Nail Records pop punk newcomers Capital
Lights had broken up. On Friday, the band finally broke the silence and made the following announcement about their break-up.
Hello everyone,
I just signed on the myspace for the first time in forever and I realized that it's been a long time since we have given our friends and fans an update on whats going on with Capital Lights. I know there are rumors, and a lot of people have come to us asking whether or not it's true that the band has broken up. The truth is that yes, with a whole lot of prayer, we have decided to call it quits. All of us in Capital Lights discussed and prayed about this for a few months before we mutually agreed on the decision. Although it's sad to see something that meant so much to us come to an end, it's with complete confidence when I say it's for the better. We all felt God had different plans for our lives, and it would have been impossible to pursue those plans while continuing with the band. I know that's the same thing you have heard time and time again with so many bands. I've always hated when bands break up because members feel themselves being pulled different directions... but the truth is, you never really understand it until your at that point yourself. Words can not stress how thankful we are for everyone who supported us over the past couple years. We loved playing music for all of you and thank God for providing us with that oppourtunity. Without our fans, we wouldn't have ever done anything more than just jammed in a garage somehwere. We had a blast touring the country for the past year and a half and feel lucky that we were able to meet so many new people. To everyone who ever bought a cd, shirt, sticker, or even dropped change into the tip box at our merch table, thank you so much... without realizing it, you were a blessing that helped get us from one town to the next. Maybe somehow we will see you all again one day. We also want to thank the Hill family, and everyone who ever gave us a home to sleep in. You all made us feel very welcome and ANYTHING beat the van! It's crazy to reflect on the last year and a half and realize how much has happened. We signed with Tooth & Nail, recorded an album in Seattle, then toured the country. It was something we all wanted to do and once again, we appreciate you all for helping us live our dream. All of us in Capital Lights are back in school and as of last night, Brett is now engaged. So message him and tell him his life is over. just kidding.
God Bless you all and thanks again!
-Bryson, Brett, Michael, Jonny, Jon, and Justin.
ps- As of right now our cd's are still being sold in Best Buy, Fye, Indies, Hastings, etc... so go and buy a copy if you havent already!!!
For more info on Capital Lights, visit the JFH Artists Database.
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