I swear, if one of these kids makes a Napoleon Dynamite, "Shading on your upper lip" joke, they're gonna get a taste of less "Mercy" and more "Me..." [eagle89]
"Look, I'm sorry guys, but you gotta find a new lead singer. I've just realized another passion and talent I have: drawing." [Phoenix Tears]
"There's a lot more where this came from... if you'll go to the dance with me..." [Oliver]
Bart enjoys drawing fellow worship leader David Crowder. [Luke]
There was now evidence as to why he was failing his classes... [Heather]
"MAN! I just cant seem to be able to draw Lloyd right!" [Josher]
"The guy who stole my real watch looked kinda like this..." [Gabe]
"I asked for an autograph not a lithograph!" [Azzmatic]
"I Can Only Doodle" [Sarah]
Album cover attempt No.43 [grey]
"It's Art with Bart - I make drawing fun!" [sparkman]
"No, no you must understand! I have to let my creative juices flow to get the last verse on that song!" [christian_tomboy]
"And the GMA Award for Best Sketching Artist goes to..." [Angel]
To prove that he had really lost his mind, Bart's bandmates asked him to draw cartoon versions of them. He imediatly started drawing the members of dcTalk. [Jennifer Prince]
"I'm just drawing a picture! STOP MAKING CRAZY CAPTIONS ABOUT ME!!" [quizy]
eagle89 won a full prerelease of DJ Maj's new album Boogi Root
This Sunday, February 2, 2025
SINGLES His Kingdom Suffers Lord Open My Eyes - Single [The Charon Collective]
This Friday, February 7, 2025
ALBUMS Impending Doom Towards the Light EP (independent) JOHNNYSWIM When The War is Over (independent) Living Fire Christ Supremacy [Thumper Punk Records] Leigh Nash The Tide, Vol. 2 - EP [Visionary] Pyramid Park Cyclones & Silence (independent) Wilder Woods Curioso [Dualtone]
SINGLES Alexxander Tres Deseos - Single [Reach] Anchor Hymns Where Can I Go That My Maker Won't Be? - Single [Integrity] Luke Barbosa Cinnamon - Single (independent) bodie whisper and the wind (feat. Gracie Binion) - Single [Provident] Brennley Brown Sanctuary - Single [Provident] Steven Curtis Chapman Forever the Love of My Life - Single [The Fuel] Forrest Frank SUNRISE - Single (independent) Free Worship Una Y Otra Vez - Single [BEC] FYR FYTR Father Time - Single (independent) Gather Worship The Image - Single [Integrity] GRAND MOTEL I Have Come To Set The World On Fire, And I Wish It Were Already Burning! - Single (independent) Jason Gray Sparrows Acoustic - Single [Centricity] Matt Hammitt No Matter the Cost - Single (independent) ICF Worship New Heights - Single [Integrity] The Kingsmen I'm Saved - Single [Horizon] Tasha Layton Faithful Still - Single [BEC] LIFE Worship He's My God - Single [Integrity] Vic Lucas P31 - Single [Syntax] MIAJAIRIAN Help Me God - Single [Syntax] Kevi Morse Hyper Focus - Single [Syntax] Tenielle Neda Wisdom of the Cross - Single (independent) River Valley AGES Best Thing - Single [BEC] Rusty Shipp All Aboard! - Single (independent) Xander Sallows Highlight - Single [DREAM] Matt Sassano Not Unreachable - Single (independent) Small Voice The Ring - Single (independent) Solachi Voz Double Helix - Single [Syntax] TobyMac Can't Stop Me - Single [Capitol CMG] Visitor Pass Hope We Die - Single (independent) We Are Messengers Somewhere In Her Dreams - Single [Curb]
Next Friday, February 14, 2025
ALBUMS Sidewalk Prophets Looking Up [Curb] Denison Witmer Anything At All [Asthmatic Kitty]
SINGLES 7eventh Time Down His Mercy is More - Single [BEC] Diatheke The Creator - Single [Rottweiler] Fine China Fraught With Danger - Single [Velvet Blue] Olivia Lane Who God Says You Are - Single [BEC] Abe Yellen Float Streams - Single [Support Staff/DREAM]