(pictured: Josh Havens and Matt Fuqua of The Afters)
"Say it! 'Mac's are totally better than Windows!'" [zakk]
"What you say about my momma going to college?" [Project 10/16]
"Dude for the last time, I didn't steal your girlfriend! I was just talking to her on AIM." [Hawk_Nelson_Chica]
"Release....me....." [Ko-Winky-Dink]
"I spent 14 hours on that song! You are not about to add the 'Peanut Butter Jelly Time' track in the background!" [Jayson]
Some would say it was inevitable. You just can't have two #1 Minesweeper players. [Danro]
You think this is bad?!? You should see him when he doesn't get his coffee! [metel6]
Is it just me or do Christian Rock lyrics seem to be getting more aggresive every day? [new_phoenix87]
The poor guy's caption never got picked. He finally broke... [Ransomed316]
"My hair is NOT lame!" [JavaTheHut_QualityBeanJuice]
"Congratulations! You've just opened the butterfly virus! Within the next five minutes, everyone you have ever sent an e-mail to will be infected! Good luck finding some new friends!" [CocoPuff]
"Seriously dude stop choking me! We got a gig in the morning" [the shakiest gun in the east]
The AFTERshock [josiah]
Suddenly from lack of oxygen, the computer screen became highly amusing and he couldn't contain his laughter [Sami Valavaara]
"No, no, no. I'm hugging you. It only feels like I'm trying to break your neck...." [headah]
"No! I wasn't putting the video of you singing in the shower, uh, I mean *gaaak!*" [Jeffy]
"...you see, if you grip the wrist, you get much better leverage, rendering them motionless" [ewok]
Romans 16:16 - Greet one another with a holy headlock. [buck]
"Why am I not on your Top 8?!? I thought my friendship meant something to you!!!" [Joanna]
"Woah... slow down there, Padre... too much love... TOO MUCH LOVE!!!" [Patzer]
"I told you... I needed more cow bell!" [Breeeeek]
This Friday, February 14, 2025
ALBUMS Anike With Love, Anike - EP [Reach] Leanna Crawford Still Waters (Deluxe) [Provident] HeIsTheArtist Confessions of a Fallen Angel - EP [MTS] Marvin Sapp If I Were an R&B Singer - EP [Elev8] Sidewalk Prophets Looking Up [Curb] Spoken Worth Jesus Is (independent) Denison Witmer Anything At All [Asthmatic Kitty] Team Omega Something To Chew On (independent) Two Car Garage Peace & Love (independent) With Blood Comes Cleansing With Blood Comes Cleansing (independent)
SINGLES 7eventh Time Down His Mercy is More - Single [BEC] Alphein Lost In Ya Love - Single [Syntax] Bill B. Get It Right - Single [Syntax] Josh Baldwin Thank You Jesus (Studio Version) - Single [Bethel] Jeremy Camp Again - Single [Capitol CMG] Megan Danielle Honey Sweet - Single [Provident] Deep Al Brindle Tell Me - Single [Tooth & Nail] Dex the Nerd Who Loves Jesus Pray About It (feat. Big Fil) - Single [Marv4MoBeats] Diatheke The Creator - Single [Rottweiler] DJ Mykael V & 350 350 Waze! - Single (independent) Drenae & OnBeatMusic Me & You - Single [Syntax] Elevation Worship I Know A Name (feat. Brandon Lake) - Single [Elevation] Fine China Fraught With Danger - Single [Velvet Blue] Keith & Kristyn Getty Here Is Love, Vast as the Ocean (Everlasting Praise) [live] feat. Sandra McCracken - Single [Getty] Heartbound The Monster I See - Single (independent) IMRSQD Pure Gold - Single (independent) Jericko Only You - Single [Syntax] Lady Redneck Amazing Grace - Single [MTS] Olivia Lane Who God Says You Are - Single [BEC] Ethan Luck Going Down - Single (independent) Meet Your Maker Cowards - Single (independent) Adam Nigh Bodega Bay (feat. Rachel Nigh) - Single (independent) P.O.D. I Won't Bow Down (feat. Andres Gimenez) - Single [Mascot] QEW LVL Up - Single [Syntax] Simply Worship Light (feat. Tenielle Neda) - Single (independent) Sixpence None the Richer Kiss Me (Live) - Single [Flatiron] SNT. VINCENT Invite Me - Single [Syntax] Solachi Voz Horsepower - Single [Syntax] Sound Street Heaven In The House - Single [Sonlite] Sower & Second Adam and the New Creations Prodigal Pulpits - Dual Single (independent) Strings and Heart Empty Airport - Single (independent) Brandon Watson Still Hurts - Single (independent) Wild Harbors Close Eye - Single (independent)
Next Friday, February 21, 2025
ALBUMS Gather Worship Hear The World That You So Love Sing Back To You [Integrity] Mat Kearney Mat Kearney (still drowning in nostalgia) [Deluxe] [Middle Kid] Natalie Layne All Joy [Centricity] David Leonard Just Jesus [Provident] Jordan Smith The People's Hymnal [Gaither]
SINGLES Coqui only Idol - Single [DREAM] Melody Noel Closer Than I Know - Single (independent) Phil Wickham The King is in the Room - Single [Fair Trade]