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JFH Devotionals by J.M. Farro

Choosing God's Best

Where is the man who fears the Lord? God will teach him how to choose the best. - Psalm 25:12 TLB

My youngest sister, Jeannine, is unemployed right now. She's single, and she has a new home, so she's understandably concerned about her situation. The other day, she got an offer for a job in her field. Even though she sensed that she would be "settling" if she accepted this position, she felt obligated to go on the interview because she was in desperate need of employment. Going on the interview only convinced her even more that it was not God's best for her. I told her not to feel badly about not wanting the job, and I suggested that the Lord only sent this opportunity her way to encourage her heart. After all, she and I had been earnestly praying that God would send her some special encouragement, and perhaps that's all this job offer was meant to be. I told her that when my husband, Joe, was out of work a couple of years ago, he was most discouraged when he wasn't getting a single "lead." When he did get a lead now and then, it encouraged him greatly, because it reminded him that God had not forgotten him, and that He was indeed working on his behalf. I also pointed out to my sister that we can learn a lot from job interviews, and they can help us realize what we really want in a job, and what we don't.

I always take great comfort in the fact that the Lord knows us better than we know ourselves, and He alone knows what we REALLY want--we don't. I've gotten to the point now where I ask God for something, but I also make it clear to Him that if it's not His best for me, then I don't want it. Praying like this is still hard on my "flesh." But I'm learning more and more that God really does know best, and He will help us to receive His best in every situation if we will pray, do our part, and wait on Him for His perfect will and timing. Psalm 25:12 TLB says: "Where is the man who fears the Lord? God will teach him how to choose the best." Those who approach God with an attitude of trust and obedience, will find that He is more than willing to help them choose His best every time.

Right now, my family and I are looking to expand our small flock of pet ducks. When one of our most beloved pets died recently, we were devastated, and we've been longing to fill the void that was created by this loss ever since. I've been earnestly praying for the Lord to send us the perfect addition to our flock. But I'm also praying that God won't answer that prayer unless, and until, it's His best for us. The Lord has given us some wonderful connections that could easily result in an addition to our little duck family. And we have gotten a couple of encouraging "leads." And each time, I've told the Lord, "If this isn't the perfect pet for us, then please shut every door against it coming to pass." So far, He has done exactly that. While it saddens me, it also encourages my heart, because it reminds me that God's in control, and He's intimately involved with the details of my life.

When you're waiting upon God for something to come to pass, ask Him to send some special encouragement your way. But when He does, remember to keep praying and standing in faith for His very best!

Prayer: Lord, Your word says: "A man's mind plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps and makes them sure." (Proverbs 16:9 AMP) Therefore, I pray that no matter what my mind plans--no matter what anyone else plans for me--that YOU, Lord, would direct my steps and make them sure. Send me some encouragement while I'm waiting on You, but don't let me settle for less than Your best!

- J. M. Farro


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