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JFH Devotionals by J.M. Farro

Guide and Strengthen Yourself and Others

"For it will be pleasant if you keep [the words of the wise] in mind [incorporating them as guiding principles]; Let them be ready on your lips [to guide and strengthen yourself and others]. So that your trust and reliance and confidence may be in the Lord, I have taught these things to you today, even to you." - Proverbs 22:18-19 AMP

This passage of God’s Word provides us with some of the best reasons to memorize the Scriptures. When we “keep them in mind” they become “guiding principles” for our lives. In other words, they determine our beliefs and our values. And we begin to see everything and everyone from the perspective of Almighty God, instead of through the eyes of the world. We learn what to say “yes” to, and what to say “no” to, and we position ourselves to fulfill our God-given purpose and potential.

When we obey the Lord’s instructions to “Let [the Scriptures] be ready on [our] lips,” we allow them to “guide and strengthen [us] AND others.” Speaking the Word of God out loud to ourselves is a very effective and powerful way to boost our faith and encourage our hearts. When we declare, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,” our spirits are lifted, and suddenly, we can rise above our circumstances, instead of feeling the crushing weight of them upon us. (Philippians 4:13)

We can also use memorized Scripture to “guide and strengthen others.” When people we know are going through hard times, and are looking for direction and consolation, we can share with them the promises of God. The Lord will provide these golden opportunities to share His Word, and He will give us “the right words at the right time,” so we can make an eternal difference in others’ lives through the power of His Spirit. (Matthew 10:19-20 NLT)

The passage above reveals its supreme purpose in memorizing Scripture – “So that your trust and reliance and confidence may be in the Lord.” It is the Word that we have stored in our hearts that feeds our faith on a continual basis. To neglect the Word of God is to starve our spirits. On the other hand, keeping our spirits on a continual diet of Scripture makes us strong in spirit, and makes us formidable opponents of Satan and his dark forces. Jesus used memorized verses of Scripture against Satan in the desert. (Matthew 4:4,7,10) And we can do the same thing. We can answer every temptation with the Word of God, which the apostle Paul called “the Sword of the Spirit.” (Ephesians 6:17)

We are living in a dangerous age where our trust and confidence in the Lord are continually being tested. By memorizing Scripture and having it ready on our lips, we can overcome every challenge, and we can become the world-changers for Christ that He has called us to be!

Prayer: Lord, help me to memorize Your Word on a regular basis through the power of Your Spirit. Teach me how to wield this “indispensable weapon” against all the doubt and unbelief that come against me. (Ephesians 6:17 MSG) Help me to have Your promises ready on my lips to guide and strengthen myself and others, according to Your will and purposes. Thank You for making me an overcomer and a serious threat to the forces of darkness!

- J. M. Farro


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