When my husband, Joe, and I took our duck, Larry, to the veterinarian for his annual checkup, our vet declared, "Larry is defying science!" Why? Because Larry will be 22 years old in a few months, and the typical lifespan of his breed is, at most, 6 to 8 years.
When I think about our vet's declaration, I can't help thinking about all of the ways I have seen God "defy science" in my life, and in the lives of my loved ones - by performing miracles that no one can explain. For example, years ago, I injured my left shoulder so severely in an aerobics class, that doctors said that I needed a new shoulder. After suffering excruciating pain for more than ten years, I gave my life to Christ, and began praying God's promises for my healing. The Lord answered my prayers by working a creative miracle and giving me a new shoulder. That was 30 years ago, and I am still totally free from shoulder problems.
On another occasion, my husband, Joe, was diagnosed with a large growth in his neck that gave him blinding headaches. Three doctors warned us that it was most likely cancerous. So, every day, I laid hands on my husband, and prayed God's promises over him. When he went to the hospital to have a biopsy done, that growth was nowhere to be found, and the headaches had disappeared. The doctors were left scratching their heads, but we knew that the Lord had worked a miracle in my husband's body.
Scripture says: "But if I were you, I would appeal to God; I would lay my cause before Him. He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted." (Job 5:8-9 NIV) When devoted Christ followers have a need, we can "appeal to God" and "lay our cause before Him," expecting Him to "perform wonders" and "miracles" that no one can fathom or understand. No one can explain why a duck like Larry can live for 22 years. Everywhere we go, when people find out about our miracle duck, they are left totally amazed and perplexed. My husband and I often laugh at the funny expressions on people's faces when they hear about Larry's age. And Larry's very existence has helped to inspire me, and others, to believe God for miracles of all kinds.
Jesus said, "What is impossible from a human perspective is possible with God." (Luke 18:27 NLT) Today, if you have a need of any kind, I encourage you to appeal to the God who performs miracles and wonders without end!
Prayer: Lord, I choose to believe that You are still in the miracle-working business. Deliver me from the doubt and unbelief that would rob me of Your best. Remind me often that all things are possible with You, and that it delights Your heart when I pray for the "impossible." Thank You that as I cling to You and Your promises in times of trial and trouble, I will see You work wonders on my behalf!
- J. M. Farro
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