My husband, Joe, and I bought a new refrigerator a few months ago that came with a finicky ice maker. When the ice cubes stick together and won't come out of the dispenser, I use a butter knife to dislodge them. I was doing this very thing one day when my husband scolded me and told me to be more gentle. He was right, because just a few minutes later, the ice maker began making horrendous grinding noises, and I feared that I had broken it. I immediately went to the Lord in prayer, asking Him to forgive my stupidity and carelessness, and to rectify the problem. I called the repair man first thing the next morning, and while I waited for him to arrive, I prayed and read my Bible. That's when the Lord showed me a passage that encouraged my heart.
A group of prophets comes to the great prophet Elisha and asks him to help them build a bigger place for them to meet. They all go to the Jordan River and begin to cut down trees. As one of the men is chopping down a tree, his axhead falls into the water. He immediately cries out that it is a borrowed tool, and Elisha cuts a stick and throws it in the water where the axhead was last seen. As the iron floats to the top of the water, the man retrieves it, and all ends well. (2 Kings 6:1-7)
As I prayerfully read this account in the Bible, I marveled at the fact that God enabled the great prophet Elisha to perform a miracle simply to restore a borrowed implement for one of His faithful ones. It demonstrates the Lord's loving care and provision for those who trust Him with even the most insignificant events of daily life. Scripture says, "The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in Him." (Nahum 1:7 NIV) There is no matter too small or insignificant in the eyes of our God. He cares about everything that concerns us, and He does not despise our petitions for seemingly trivial things. The fact is, when we fail to ask for the Lord's help with seemingly small matters, they can often blossom into large matters, and then it can take a major miracle to solve them.
Scripture says: "The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand." (Psalm 37:23-24 NLT) If we will always keep in mind that God "delights in every detail of [our] lives," we will seek Him for direction the moment we have a problem of any size. Then He will "busy Himself with our every step" - guiding us, and supporting us all the way. (Psalm 37:23 AMP) I love the Message Translation of Jesus' words in Mark 11:24: "I urge you to pray for absolutely everything, ranging from small to large. Include everything as you embrace this God-life, and you'll get God's everything." The Master knows that prayerlessness can cost us, and He longs to spare us from unnecessary pain and problems.
As I relied on the Lord to fix my ice maker problem, He provided the perfect serviceman to not only repair my ice maker, but to cause it to work better than ever. And because the warranty was still in effect, it didn't cost me a penny.
Perhaps you have some "petty" concerns today that you are hesitant to pray about. Maybe you even caused some of these problems yourself. If so, I urge you to turn to the Lord right now, and to invite Him into your situation to bring about a favorable conclusion. You'll be amazed at how eager He is to turn your "little" troubles into big blessings!
Prayer: Lord, I regret the times that I failed to seek Your guidance and help, and instead relied on myself or someone else. Give me a greater understanding of what prayerlessness can cost me, and how much it offends You. Fill me with a deep love for Your Word, and the desire to spend time alone with You each day. By Your Spirit, lead me to pray the prayers of Your heart in every matter that concerns me. Thank You that as I learn to lean on You and trust in You, I will witness You transforming my little troubles into major triumphs!
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