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JFH Devotionals by J.M. Farro

Pursuing God's Perfect Path

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take." - Proverbs 3:5-6 NLT

My husband, Joe, and I have been raising pet ducks for more than 12 years, and each time we've lost one, it has grieved our hearts. When we lost our 8-year-old Pekin, Lily, it left our 12-year-old Rouen, Larry, alone and lonely. Because of Larry's age, Joe and I decided that we would not seek to get him another mate. But after several weeks, we realized that, not only did Larry long for another duck, but we did, too. All this time, in spite of my feelings - which were changeable, to say the least - I kept praying that the Lord would make certain that we would receive His best in our pet situation. I told Him that I wanted no part of a pet that wasn't His perfect will for us. Perhaps to you, someone's pet situation is a minor concern, but God has taught me that if I want to walk in His perfect plans and purposes for my life, I must seek His will in every matter that concerns me. I began claiming God's promise in Proverbs 3:5-6: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take." So as I began my "duck search," I continually sought God's will, and trusted Him to lead me, as He promised.

My husband and I decided to check with a local farm we had given ducks to years ago, to see if they would give us a new mate for Larry. Joe spoke with them on the phone, and again in person, but they made it clear that they were not willing to part with any of their ducks. We were bitterly disappointed, and we decided to look for a new pet through other avenues. We continued to pray for God's best, as we contacted farms, wildlife centers, and waterfowl shelters online and by phone. We kept coming up empty, and we began to wonder if it was God's plan at all to provide us with a new mate for Larry. That's when I found a wildlife shelter about an hour away that sounded like it might be the answer to our prayers. When we arrived, we found a beautiful black Muscovy duck, and we bought her, and brought her home to Larry. For the next two days and nights, we tried everything we could to get Larry to accept this new duck, which I named "Libby". Sadly, all of our efforts failed, and I cried out to God for His wisdom and help. He led me to look up the origin of the name, "Libby," and when I did, I wept as I discovered that it meant "God's Promise". I reminded the Lord that I was trusting Him to work out all the details of our pet situation. Even so, it became obvious to my husband and me that Larry wanted no part of his new mate.

I decided to join a social network of duck owners so that I could ask them some questions about our situation. I discovered from their responses that sometimes older ducks will not accept a new duck of another breed. That certainly seemed to be the case with Larry being a Rouen, and Libby being a Muscovy. I begged Joe to contact our local farm once again, but this time it would be to ask them if they would take Libby and keep her with their other ducks. They agreed, and before we drove over there, I fell to my knees before God in heartfelt repentance, asking forgiveness for trying to make something happen in our duck situation that wasn't His will for us. When we arrived at the farm, the farm owner's son came out to greet us. As he took Libby in his arms, he did something that completely stunned Joe and me. He offered us the only Rouen duck he had on his farm. He told us that he knew she would be going to a better place if we took her home, and he said that if Larry didn't accept her, he would take her back. My husband and I eagerly took the young man up on his offer. And when Larry joyfully accepted her as his new mate, I named her Libby, knowing in my heart that this duck was the fulfillment of God's promise to provide us with the perfect new pet.

This experience served to reaffirm the truth of God's Word in Proverbs 3:5-6. When we commit ourselves to prayer, asking and expecting the Lord to guide our steps along His perfect pathway, He is faithful to open for us the right doors, and to close the wrong ones. If we sense that we are trying to make something happen that is not His best for us, we can humbly repent for our stubbornness, and recommit ourselves to following His way. What concern is on your heart that you could use God's help and guidance with today?

Prayer: Lord, teach me how to seek Your will in every matter that concerns me. Give me a trusting heart, and deliver me from trying to figure things out on my own. Guard me from the kind of stubbornness that will rob me of Your best. Thank You that as I pursue Your will with passion, I will discover the untold blessings You have in store for me!

- J. M. Farro


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