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JFH Devotionals by J.M. Farro

Speedy Answers

"For He will finish the work and cut it short in righteousness, because the Lord will make a short work upon the earth." - Romans 9:28 NKJV

When our children were 9 and 12 years old, my husband and I decided to move out of state. The area we lived in had been steadily going downhill, and because of that, there were hundreds of homes for sale in and around our neighborhood. Our realtor told us to not to expect a quick sale, so we put our house on the market and prepared for a long wait. Amazingly enough, within the first few weeks, we had three bids on our home, and we soon signed a contract with the new buyer. The only problem was that we needed another place to live right away, so we began looking in earnest for a new home. We told our realtor that we needed a vacant house in move-in condition. Considering our time constraints, and our financial situation, we knew this would take a miracle, and we prayed for one. We were delighted when we found the perfect vacant home in a lovely area, and we put a bid on it immediately. After waiting several days, we found out that we lost the house to another buyer. Our hearts were heavy with disappointment, and we began to consider less desirable options, such as moving to a hotel or apartment, and putting our furniture and possessions in storage. I fell to my knees in prayer, and I pleaded with God to move supernaturally to provide us with a wonderful new home without delay. Within the next few days, we found a beautiful house that was vacant, in move-in condition, and in a very desirable area. And we found out later on that we were the talk of realtors for miles around when we were able to secure a mortgage, buy a new home, and move into it in only nine days.

The Bible says, "For He will finish the work and cut it short in righteousness, because the Lord will make a short work upon the earth." (Romans 9:28 NKJV) According to Scripture, there are times when God will supernaturally speed up the work He is doing on this earth. I have seen Him do this in my own life, sometimes as a result of my asking Him to do so. Other times, I've been caught totally off guard when He's moved suddenly in ways I never dreamed possible.

The Bible reveals that God's people often asked for speedy answers to their prayers. Psalm 102:1-2 (TLB) says: "Lord, hear my prayer! Listen to my plea! Don't turn away from me in this time of my distress. Bend down Your ear and give me speedy answers." And David wrote: "Bow down Your ear to me, deliver me speedily!" (Psalm 31:2 AMP) Scriptures like these give me the confidence to pray for speedy answers from God when I have urgent needs. When I've needed healing, I've often claimed God's promise in Isaiah 58:8 (NKJV): "Your healing shall spring forth speedily." And when I've needed divine protection or deliverance, I've stood on Jesus' promise in Luke 18:8 (AMP): "I tell you, He will defend and protect and avenge them speedily."

I especially like the NASB translation of Romans 9:28. It says, "For the Lord will execute His Word on the earth, thoroughly and quickly." There are times when we will cling in faith to a promise from God, and He will supernaturally accelerate the fulfillment of His Word. Often, the Lord is more than willing to show Himself strong on our behalf in a situation, but He will wait for us to ask Him to do the impossible before He will manifest His miracle-working power.

Yes, there are many times when the Lord will ask us to be still, and to wait patiently for His intervention in a matter. But when we are in desperate need, our God will not fault us for asking Him for speedy help and relief. And just like David, we can cry out, "O answer me speedily!" (Psalm 69:17 AMP)

Prayer: Lord, when I have urgent needs, give me the faith I need to pray bold prayers. Remind me to ask You to speed up the answers, when it would please and glorify You. Thank You for the lives and circumstances that will be changed when You manifest Your miracle-working power on my behalf!

- J. M. Farro


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