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JFH Devotionals by J.M. Farro

Times of Testing

"We all experience times of testing, which is normal for every human being." - 1 Corinthians 10:13 TPT

The Lord showed me the verse above during my quiet time with Him one morning. I had been pouring out my heart to Him about how difficult our state’s stay-at-home orders were for me in the midst of this Coronavirus pandemic. As I write this, it has been more than two months since my loved ones and I have been able to move about freely.

When the Scripture says that all of us “experience times of testing,” it is meant to encourage us. God wants us to know that we are not singled out to suffer. No, “every human being” goes through times of testing and “temptation,” as some translations say. This verse goes on to say, “But God will be faithful to you. He will screen and filter the severity, nature, and timing of every test or trial you face so that you can bear it.” Think about that. In God’s faithfulness, “He will screen and filter” all of our tests so that they will never push us beyond our ability to endure them. God will control their “severity,” so that they are not too intense for us. He will control their “nature,” or the types of tests we face. And He will control their “timing,” so that they will occur within a timeframe that we can handle.

This verse continues: “And each test is an opportunity to trust Him more, for along with every trial God has provided for you a way of escape that will bring you out of it victoriously.” The Lord wants us to view every test we face as a new “opportunity to trust Him more.” Each time we face a trial and realize that God has faithfully provided us with an exit path, and brought us out of it “victoriously,” our trust in Him will grow. Sometimes, the best thing that we can do in the heat of battle is to begin thanking and praising God for His faithfulness to His Word. Satan and his evil cohorts are not going to hang around long when we are rejoicing in the Lord.

One of the study notes for this verse in the Passion Translation says: “God’s faithfulness and grace will limit the severity of every test and prevent you from being tested beyond your ability to cope. Unlimited grace is available for every believer who faces hardship, temptations, and seasons of difficulty.” Glory to God! Whatever you are going through today, believe God when He says that He will equip you to come through it victoriously. His “unlimited grace” is available to you right now. Receive it by faith in the name of Jesus, and watch the Lord turn your tests into God-glorifying testimonies!

Prayer: Lord, I praise You that because I belong to You, You will “screen and filter” every test I face, and You will control its severity, nature, and timing. Teach me to look for, and recognize, the way of escape that You provide for me, and help me to make the most of it. Help me to draw on Your unlimited grace, and to rejoice in Your love and faithfulness continually. Thank You for ensuring that I come out of my trials even better than before!

- J. M. Farro


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