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JFH Devotionals by J.M. Farro

We Are Being Watched

"Our work as God's servants gets validated - or not - in the details. People are watching us as we stay at our post, alertly, hard times, tough times, bad times..." - 2 Corinthians 6:4 MSG

When we gathered together as a family the other day, my grandson, William, began telling me about his experience selling popcorn for his Boy Scouts troop. He shared with me how the simple act of giving his mother - my daughter-in-law, Amy - a hug, led to him making a sizable sale. As it turns out, this hug was witnessed by a Christian couple who happened to be nearby. The woman was so impressed by Will's demonstration of love for his mom, that she approached my grandson and daughter-in-law, and expressed how touched she was by the gesture. As they chatted, the wise woman discerned and rejoiced that Amy was "a sister in Christ," and she and her husband joyfully made a donation to Will's cause.

Amy was impressed with the fact that this woman made the point that we are constantly "being watched." It reminds me of the Scripture that says: "People are watching us as we stay at our post, alertly, hard times, tough times, bad times..." (2 Corinthians 6:4 MSG) It's a sobering thought, and one that we should keep in mind as servants of Christ.

When we commit our lives to Christ - like it or not - we become His representatives on this earth. The Apostle Paul said: "We are ambassadors for Christ . . . Christ's representatives." (2 Corinthians 5:20 AMP) Wherever we go, we are on display, and our conduct, conversation, and character should always reflect Christ. While this can be an intimidating thought, think of the potential it offers. By simply following the leadership of the Holy Spirit who dwells in us since our conversion, we can be examples of the Scriptural truth which says, "Your godly lives will speak to them better than any words." (1 Peter 3:2 TLB) As we allow Christ to live the abundant, overcoming life through us, His Spirit will draw some of those we encounter into a deeply intimate and eternal relationship with Him. It's a tremendous responsibility and privilege.

I recently read that it's been estimated that only 1% of the lives we touch here on earth for Christ will be revealed to us while we are still here. That means that when we get to heaven, it's entirely likely that large numbers of people will come up to us and say, "I am here because of you!" Today, take heart in knowing that you are making a difference for God right here and now, and you WILL hear the Lord say, "Well done, good and faithful servant!" (Matthew 25:23)

Prayer: Lord, empower me by Your Spirit to live a Christlike, overcoming life. Help me to conduct myself with wisdom in all of my interactions, and to make the most of each opportunity, treating it as something precious. (Colossians 4:5 AMP) Enable me to throw myself into the work of the Master, confident that nothing I do for You is a waste of time or effort. (1 Corinthians 15:58 MSG) Thank You for making me a victorious world-changer for Christ!

- J. M. Farro


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