In the early years of our marriage, when our first son was only a toddler, my husband, Joe, was the only one working, and we were struggling to make ends meet. Since I was a teenager, I had always had at least one job, and I was used to having my own income and managing my own money. Now, I was a young full-time mother, and I felt totally dependent upon my husband. I chafed under the restrictions of our tight financial budget, and I began to get very frustrated, and even angry. One day, while my husband was at work, I scoured the newspapers and found a job opening at a local travel agency. I had worked as a travel agent for a while before my husband and I were married, and when I interviewed for the job, I got hired on the spot. I had to work many weeknights and weekends, and my husband had to stay home with our young son. At first, I relished the freedom and the sense of independence, but then my new job became an unbearable burden for me. I usually excelled in my work, but this time, I just couldn't get a handle on my duties at the travel agency. The frustration I had experienced while staying home with my young son was nothing in comparison to the anxiety and dissatisfaction I suffered at this new job. I wound up quitting before too long, and I quickly settled back into my routine at home as a full-time mother.
I spent the next 20 years or so staying home and raising my children. Even though this arrangement was very hard on my flesh at times, I had an inner peace that confirmed that I was in the will of God. I heard someone say that nothing feels better than being in the will of God, and nothing feels worse than being out of it. I've discovered the truth of that statement - sometimes the hard way. The Bible says: "Who is the man who reverently fears and worships the Lord? Him shall He teach in the way that he should choose. He himself shall dwell at ease." (Psalm 25:12-13 AMP) "Ease" is a wonderful Bible word. It means "tranquil rest". These verses are saying that when we seek God's guidance, submitting to His instruction out of reverence for Him, He will lead us in paths of inner tranquility. That doesn't mean that we won't have to endure difficult circumstances or people, only that because we are in the perfect will of God, there will be a supernatural "flow" to our lives. Proverbs says: "Whoever listens to me will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm." (Proverbs 1:33 NIV) This is the voice of godly wisdom speaking to God's people. It promises that as we heed His voice, we will have divine protection and peace.
I love what the prophet Jeremiah says to the Lord: "I know, O Lord, that a man's life is not his own; it is not for man to direct his steps." (Jeremiah 10:23 NIV) Jeremiah had a revelation from God that no man is equipped to plan the course of his own life. Until we get this same divine revelation and apply it to our own lives, we will live in frustration, mediocrity, and misery. Jeremiah wisely goes on to say: "Correct me, Lord, but only with justice - not in Your anger, lest You reduce me to nothing." (Jeremiah 10:24 NIV) The Lord wants His people open to divine correction at all times - not because He desires to bully us, but because He loves us, and knows that only He is wise enough to guide us. It is a wise follower of Christ who wants God intimately involved in every aspect of his life. David wrote: "The steps of a [good] man are directed and established by the Lord when He delights in his way [and He busies Himself with his every step]. Though he falls, he shall not be utterly cast down, for the Lord grasps his hand in support and upholds him." (Psalm 37:23-24 AMP) When we get up every morning and commit ourselves and our day to God, earnestly seeking Him in every matter that concerns us, He gets busy weaving His perfect plans into every step we take. Even if we make a mistake or take a wrong step, the Lord's mighty and loving hand will be there to sustain and support us.
No matter what season of your life you are in today, God wants you to "dwell at ease." Invite Him into every corner of your life, and watch Him lead you in the paths of His perfect peace!
Prayer: Lord, today I declare that my life is not my own, and I ask that You direct my steps from now on. Gently correct me when I need it, so that I won't have to miss out on Your perfect plans for my life. Thank You for the inner tranquility and rest that I will reap as a result!
- J. M. Farro
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