My husband, Joe, told me about a coworker of his who was involved in a very serious vehicular accident. Even though this man's truck was totaled, he emerged from the accident without a scratch on his body. Members of the ambulance squad who rushed to his aid convinced him to have a full body scan as soon as possible, in case he had suffered any internal injuries. As it turned out, this man's body was riddled with a fast-growing cancer, and he began undergoing medical treatment right away. Today, if you speak to this man, he will tell you that he is grateful to God for using that car accident to save his life.
One day, when I was outside taking care of my pet ducks, Libby and Larry, I noticed that one of Libby's wings was dragging on the ground. I scooped her up in my arms and examined her, and I knew in my heart that something was wrong. I got an emergency appointment with our vet, and Joe and I took Libby to get checked out that evening. The vet confirmed my suspicions - that Libby had a broken wing. As the doctor continued to examine Libby from nose to tail, he discovered that Libby's oil gland was infected, and that she needed emergency surgery. In sixteen years of raising pet ducks, Joe and I had never had a duck with a broken wing - Libby was the first. And it was her broken wing that made us take her to the vet, and that saved her life.
These two events reminded me of when Jesus said to His disciples, "You do not understand now what I am doing, but you will understand later on." (John 13:7 AMP) Sometimes, the Lord allows us to experience pain, difficulty, and hardship because He knows ahead of time how it will benefit us in the long run. Only God can see the big picture in every life and circumstance. We don't have that kind of vision, so many times, when troubles blindside us, we can see them only in a negative sense. However, the longer we live, and the closer we get to God, the more our perspective expands and enlarges, so that we can begin to see things from His perspective. When that happens, we can learn to be just as grateful for some of our trials, as we are for our greatest blessings.
Remember the story of Joseph in the Old Testament? His brothers cruelly sold him into slavery, and he endured many years in prison for a crime he didn't commit. Because he remained faithful to God the entire time, and kept a good attitude, the Lord made him second only to Pharaoh himself in the land of Egypt. When Joseph confronted his brothers and forgave them, he told them, "As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present outcome, that many people would be kept alive [as they are this day]." (Genesis 50:20 AMP) Joseph is a powerful example of how God can turn the devil's evil efforts into something good for our benefit, and the benefit of others.
Scripture says, "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28 NASB) Sometimes, we will view one negative incident individually, and we will not be able to see anything good come of it for us. But if we will wait upon the Lord, trust Him with all our hearts, and ask Him to bring good out of it, we will witness Him working "all things" together so that even that incident will profit us somehow.
If God can bring good out of a tragic car accident and a broken wing, you can bet that He can bring good out of whatever you are going through right now. Trust Him. Lean on Him. Claim His promises. And watch Him do what only He can do!
Prayer: Lord, please enlarge my vision so that I can have Your perspective on every event and circumstance from now on. Give me supernatural understanding that will give me the insight I need to trust You with all my heart in every situation. When it's Your will for me to wait for clarity, please help me to wait with a good attitude, and keep me faithful to You. Grant that I may always see You as You really are - a truly good, loving, and mighty God. Thank You for keeping Your promise to work ALL things together for my good!
- J. M. Farro
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