It's 2007 and with a new year of music ahead of us, we're counting down our most anticipated projects already in development
for the year. Read on to see what records we at are most excited about and why...

#14. Family Force 5
Business Up Front, Party In The Back: Diamond Edition
Release Date: March 20
OK, so we may pretty much hate rereleases and hold a bit of hesitation in even putting one on here, but considering how
Business Up Front, Party In The Back was one of our favorite 2006 releases (and my personal top choice), the thought
of tacking four more delectable treats onto the end of an already tight record just excites us (maybe a bit too much). Sure
it's probably just "Color Of Water" which was cut from the album and maybe one or two other indie cuts (maybe their
Christmas track?), but it'll still make this the ultimate version of an already fun album.
- John DiBiase
In almost exactly a year, Family Force 5 has become one of the fastest growing new artists that Christian music has seen in a long
time. After releasing their debut Business Up Front, Party In The Back, the band is poised to add 4 new songs to an
already stellar album. One can only expect that FF5 will continue their infectious party songs, and hopefully go into the studio
quickly to begin work on another record. Hopefully this rerelease will keep their legions of fans at bay before that next record comes.
- Justin Mabee
For more information about the original release of Business Up Front, Party In The Back, click here...
Visit our page for Family Force 5 for more information about them...
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