#05. Thousand Foot Krutch
The Flame In All Of Us
Release Date: Summer/Fall '07
Working on material for two years after TFK’s last release The Art of Breaking, the band is finally ready to release
its third full length straight rock record, The Flame In All Of Us. Lead singer Trevor McNevan promises a little bit of
everything on this new album, and also says they can’t wait to get the new music out to their fans. Sounds good to me!
- Justin Mabee
Fans of Canadian rock act Thousand Foot Krutch will be pleased to hear that a new release is set for sometime this Summer/Fall.
The question stands whether or not their new album will reap more success than all three of their projects combined...
- Laura Sproull
TFK has a knack for for following up previous albums with a more
mature and developed sound. After hearing The Art Of Breaking, it
sounded to me like they had completely forsaken the diverse rap and
punk flavorings of Set it Off for a more focused rock style. With
that in mind, I would expect the new record The Flame In All Of Us to
be similar to the sound they finally established with their previous
release. But who can predict the creative direction of a great band
like this one?
- Tim Harro
Visit our page for TFK for more information about them...