For our 7th annual Highlighting feature, we split the year into TWO pieces -- January to June and July to December. Normally, we select our top 25 most anticipated releases for the whole year, but we realize that it's tough to really gauge EVERYTHING that may release throughout a given year when we're making the list in January. So, for 2012, we split the year into TWO pieces -- January to June and July to December, and we're using this format again for 2013. Also, each list contains 15 artists/releases for a total of 30 in total for 2013. So, without further ado, we give you Highlighting First-Half 2013!
#8. Sanctus Real
Release Date: February 5, 2013
While this band has created some of the best rock tunes of all time, like "Turn on the Lights" and "Closer," they have also provided some of the most memorable ballads with "Say Goodbye" and "Lead Me." Sanctus Real has the ability to create songs that fans can really connect with and in addition to that, they are one of the most consistently talented bands in existence today.
- Wayne Myatt
It's ironic, but the first single from this album, "Promises" is not very promising. It sounds nice, but it doesn't really have a chorus to speak of and doesn't really go any place. Much better, however, is the title track that inspires me to actually go running.
- Alex "Tincan" Caldwell
These guys do nothing but release really good pop/rock music. They aren't a band you hear about as someone's favorite every day, but their ability to craft catchy tunes is undeniable. Sanctus Real is a staple in CCM and their newest album should not prove to be any different.
- Michael Weaver
Visit our Sanctus Real page for more information about them...
2013 Countdown:
15 | 14 |
13 | 12 | 11 |
10 | 9 | 8 |
7 | 6 | 5 |
4 | 3 | 2 | 1
ŠJanuary, 2013 |