` Jesusfreakhideout.com: Eternalthrone, "From the Depths of Mortal Flesh - EP" Review
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JFH Indie Music Spotlight Review

Eternalthrone, 'From the Depths of Mortal Flesh - EP'

From the Depths of Mortal Flesh - EP

Street Date: March 9, 2024
Style: Black Metal
Buy It: AmazonMP3

Black metal, from its origin, has found its roots in pagan ideology and nature worship. For years, this space was labeled as antithetical to any form of Christian morality and thought especially during the "satanic panic" and amongst second wave black metal bands that were fostered in the 80's. Then in the early to late 90's, there appeared to be a shift in perspective as ground was broken by predominately Scandinavian bands like Horde, Antestor, Frosthardr, and Crimson Moonlight to pave the way for Christian black metal or as it has been termed "Hellig Usvart" (holy unblack metal). Hailing from San Angelo Texas, Eternalthrone, fronted by vocalist/multi-instrumentalist Jeremy Sanchez (and now joined by guitarist Hunter Story), looks to build on the foundation that is the legacy of the forerunners of the "unblack metal" scene, with the release of their first EP, From the Depths of Mortal Flesh.

Opening with a reading from the book of Isaiah (chapter 9:1-7), the listener catches a glimpse of the central theme guiding this quick introductory offer by the band. Wasting no time transitioning sonically into an atmosphere as dark and chaotic as it is hopeful and ambient, the second track "Eternal Throne," offers a blistering take on the theological concept Paul puts forward in 2 Corinthians 6:14, that we are the temple of God. Following is the title track, offering a little more melody into the chaos and shades of the before-mentioned ambience. Sanchez growls and shrieks a message about the battle we all face in the flesh, finishing with a plea for God to "Lift me again from the muddy grounds/renew aright Spirit within/As I sing thy praises." Fittingly closing the EP is the aptly titled "Ancient Testimony" that reminds us that no matter the darkness or trial we are currently facing, "Before the northern winds blew/ among the frosted plains of old/ there was the Word of God/ the eternal Word of God."

Throughout the EP you can hear strong influences bleeding through from Mayhem to Horde to Elggibor. Whether that be the frantic double rapid fire bass pedal, or the thrashy doomy riffs, this is quite a tasty treat for the fans of the genre, but also not one so extreme that the uninitiated metal fan couldn't find a lot to enjoy here as well. Production wise, this stands tall within the genre as well, which admittedly isn't saying much as a raw and unpolished sound has always been the calling card of black metal and something I have struggled with when listening to the darker eclectic acts. Here, though, you can tell great care was taken to balance the act of retaining that raw, cold, and chaotic feel but also adding a little more polish to the sound. For the unblack purist, this may detract from the overall experience, but for me, I found myself able to enjoy the listen and be more objective to the musical and lyrical performance. I found myself truly feeling the emotions and message being communicated by Sanchez and company, and it excites me for what they have planned in the future.

The ability to mesh orthodox theology within the cold landscapes that come in the subgenre they occupy is an impressive feat and one that bodes well going forward for Eternalthrone. There is a lot of promise going forward and coupled with the mission behind the band that the future is as bright as a frost-covered Scandinavian morning. When asked for his thoughts on the direction of the band and the overall message they hope to convey, Sanchez stated "In this world there is real darkness and sorrow. The Bible does not shy away from this reality. It addresses it head-on with examples of men like David and Solomon. It's this honest worldview that drives the creativity of Eternalthrone and produces the dark sound that is used to proclaim the glory and kingship of our eternal Lord Jesus Christ." Catch this one streaming on all your favorite spaces to get digital music.

- Review date: 4/19/24, written by Matt Baldwin of Jesusfreakhideout.com

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. Record Label: None
. Album length: 6 tracks: 24 minutes, 51 seconds
. Street Date: March 9, 2024
. Buy It: AmazonMP3

  1. Birth and Reign of the King (Intro) (1:24)
  2. Eternal Throne (4:07)
  3. From the Depths of Mortal Flesh (4:41)
  4. Hands of Betrayer (4:13)
  5. My Fate (3:52)
  6. Ancient Testimony (6:35)



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