Many veteran CCM fans like to reminisce about pre-2000 music. They'll reference the heartfelt lyrics of the 90's, the boldness of the 80's, and the freshness of the 70's. Indie group,
Circle of Faith is a band that some may feel fits that sentimental sound with their latest album,
Always. Songs like "Praying to Jesus" and "Give Music to the Lord" has an almost Maranatha! Music sound - and are most definitely not what most listeners will hear often in today's music scene. The lyrics are straightforward and to the point while the music is very full with guitar licks, soaring horns, and group vocals. "Always" and "I Trust In You" introduce a more island and latin feel to their sound as they place a little more emphasis on rhythm and percussion. The sweet spot for the band is their soft song, "Here I Am." The gentle plucking of the acoustic guitar is a perfect accent to the vocals and gives the ballad beautiful depth. The album concludes with the swinging story-song "Water Into Wine." It resembles what might have been heard on a Jodi Benson album as it recalls the story of Jesus turning water into wine. Honestly, fans of early CCM might find this music to match their specific needs, but some younger listeners might not be attracted to this album as much. The vocals are strong, the music is well orchestrated, and the production quality is well done, but it feels more nostalgic rather than progressive - which is not always a bad thing.
- Review date: 5/10/14, written by
Ryan Barbee of
(JFH Sponsor Spot)