In the face of flaming arrows That fail to hit their mark Pride begins to rise up in my heart One arrow fell behind me As I was looking down It stuck the child, the one who bore my crown So, I fell upon my sword As my crown was snatched away And hidden from me to this very day
I fell down. Lost my crown. Will I ever walk again? Selfish pride, thorn in my side. Will I ever talk again?
Now questions burn like fire. Have I been dying to desire? Is it time I dealt with reason instead? And all those painful memories. Will they heal with facts and theories? Can I ever find peace among the dead?
I fell down. Lost my crown. Will I ever walk again? Selfish pride, thorn in my side. Will I ever talk again? Kick me while I’m down
Now I constantly remind That the author of this show Will finish what he started long ago Somehow, I’ll be delivered Upon the mercy seat I’ll take my crown and throw it at your feet