You are the promise keeper You are the faithful witness Yahweh You are the great high priest Who secured our righteousness and peace with one sacrifice
We will hold unswervingly to you The hope that we profess is in you We enter through the new and living way To boldly come and stay, with you
You are the promise keeper You are the faithful witness Yahweh You are the great high priest Who secured our righteousness and peace with one sacrifice
We will hold unswervingly to you The hope that we profess is in you We enter through the new and living way To boldly come and stay, with you
Let us draw near With a sincere heart full of faith
We enter in cleansed from within Washed clean from sin By the water and the blood. Let us draw near with a sincere heart full of faith His promises are always yes Cause He who promised is faithful We will hold unswervingly to you The hope that we profess is in you We enter through the new and living way To boldly come and stay, with you You are the Promise Keeper