You wanna watch us break?
Be the first to take us down
But your teeth are worn
And there’s no stopping us now
You’ve got to be mental
Your speeches are maligned
Take down this molotov of word
Penned with you in mind
Speak for yourself
You paper tigers
You’ll crash where you stand
You’ve got a riot on your hands
Speak for yourself
You paper tigers
Too late to meet demands
When you’ve got a riot on your hands
Silent alarms are ringing
Sounds of revolt draw near
A new united front
That you will come to fear
We will hold together
To become the change
Voice for the voiceless
With every common man engaged
Speak for yourself
You paper tigers
You’ll crash where you stand
You’ve got a riot on your hands
Speak for yourself
You paper tigers
Too late to make demands
When you’ve got a riot
Ignite and watch us burn
Til every ember’s turned
Mankind will feel inspired
When we set your walls to fire
Speak for yourself
Christian · Milligan · Anberlin
Behind the Song:ABOUT THE ALBUM:
'This album has taken a lot of flack by us the band, and for good reason, it just wasn’t our strongest. However, the producer (Neal Avron) was a genius and the addition of Christian was one of the greatest things to have ever happened to the band.
It was an overwhelming time in our lives, we were trying to live up to expectations that could never have been obtained if we had 100 years to write the record. We don’t regret the time we spent on Universal, but we do wish that we had had more time to write a more cohesive record with a clearer and more focused minds.
New Surrender was going to be the single on the record, Joey and I were convinced of the fact. It didn’t even make the cut. The song was about getting married. We lost the song, but the title stuck. Even though Christian didn’t like it at all.
Nate started taking over cover artwork on this record. Prior it was my responsibility.
We recorded this in LA, home of the dodgers, smog, and traffic.' - Stephen Christian
'I wanted this to be our OP IVY unity song and instead it turned out to be our ultra political Rage Against the Machine anthem. I read a story where Osama Bin Laden called the United States a bunch of paper tigers, all our diplomacy stood in the way of taking action. I am not sure why his words hit me so hard, but it made me upset.
This song wasn’t written about Bin Laden as much as it was written for our politicians who would rather gain popularity over respect. Raise funds rather raise standards. Look the part instead of acting the part.
People in power should represent the people who put them there, not the corporations who paid for their advertising campaign.
Political rant over.' - Stephen Christian