How can a day be a day without a night?
How can a win be a win without a fight?
I will not be shaken by the troubles up ahead
I'd rather trust Your goodness instead
Thank You for the heartbreak
Thank You for the pain
Thank You for the sadness
On the gloomy days of rain
Thank You that the hard times
Have a reason and rhyme
Thank You that the healing makes the beauty shine
Thank You for the heartbreak
How can a love be a love without a cost?
How can a life be a life without the loss?
No, I won't trust my senses over anything You say
It's harder, but it's better this way
When there's no sign of You
When I'm lost, hurt, and used
You are there hurting, too
Even in my worst times
You're my reason and rhyme
Thank You that the healing makes the beauty
It makes the beauty shine
Thank You for the heartbreak
All Songs written by Jason Germain and Marc Martel
©2011 Centricity Music Publishing (ASCAP) / Germain and Martel Publishing (ASCAP)
All songs used by permission. All rights reserved.