Waking up to questions
I’m faced with a decision
Who am I gonna believe today?
It’s day 26 of brokenheartedness and I
Choose to believe that rescue is on His way
I believe that You’re limitless
I know that You’re boundless, Lord
If it feels like I’ve reached the end
I won’t believe it
One mountain in front of me
Another behind me
Sometimes learning is a painful thing
It’s day 35 of sorting out what’s inside
I choose to believe that rescue is on its way
Give me a love that parts the seas
Give me a love that throws no stones
Give me a love that walks over the water
Give me the love of Jesus
Give me the love of Jesus
Kristene DiMarco
©2012 Jesus Culture Music
All rights admin. by Jesus Culture Music
ISRC: USTCF1200055