I come in simplicity
Longing for purity
To worship You
In Spirit and truth
Only You
Lord strip it all away
’Til only you remain
I’m coming back
To my first love
Only You
You’re the reason I sing
The reason I sing
Yes my heart will sing
How I love You
And Forever I’ll sing
Forever I’ll sing
Yes my heart will sing
How I love You
I come with my broken song
To you the Perfect One
To worship You
In Spirit and truth
Only You
Give me a childlike heart
Lead me to where You are
I’m coming back
To my first love
Only You
How I love You
How I love You
How I love You
Gareth Gilkeson, Chris Llewellyn © 2014 Thankyou Music admin worldwide by CapitolCMGPublishing.com excl UK & Europe which is admin
by Integritymusic.com, a division of David C Cook, songs@integritymusic.com. Used by permission