where is the peace that they promised we’d find? peace for our cities our children our minds? we are desperate. and lost on the winds of ideals that keep changing their course. utopian dreamers only bring us new wars. we are desolate. at another dead end. so why does the tide always brings us to this? if heaven is real why’s it easy to miss? i want life but i’m content to exist without knowing my purpose.
where are the prophets the priests and the kings who looked beyond nature for the nature of things? they’ve been ignored. and called primitive men cause their theories weren’t fully evolved. they believed mysteries that science can’t solve. but I’m unsure we’re wiser than them. we look at the world through a narrower lens. we follow our reason and stop where she ends. we put faith in our senses and forsake common sense. it’s disorder. but we call it a new world order.
are we so righteous that we can make all the wrongs right? are we so enlightened that we can turn darkness to light? no. we’re just the cynics proclaiming the flaws. we aim our polemic at political laws. we’re fighting the symptoms because we can’t see our greed is the cause. we stand as judges when we should be standing on trial. we’re the ones who make this world a desolate isle. we’re the problem – every father every mother every child. but the truth is we’ve grown to love the exile.
on this rock we’ve taken our stand. joined by the leagues of men now buried in sand.
Babylon – we’ll build her again. the great city of man. this time we’re sure she will stand. but on this rock the castles will fall. we can’t keep the waves of time from breeching the walls. every man – the great and the small. when the Tide overtakes us Justice will take us all.
are we so righteous that we can make all the wrongs right? are we so enlightened that we can turn darkness to light? are we so righteous that grace doesn’t have any worth? are we so enlightened that we can build heaven on earth? no.