I wandered my way in the darkness
I feel lonely, deserted
And I can稚 get out
Been pushing the blame where I wanted
But I知 blinded, I知 guilty
But I know it now
I need Your love
I need you Jesus
So let the grave burst open wide
Cause I知 desperate to breathe tonight
Lead me out (of this cemetery)
Let the dead man start to rise
To a place where we will never die
Lead me on to your sanctuary
I know in my heart where I知 headed
Straight to ruin, till I am an early grave
I知 telling myself that I知 okay
But I知 not and I won稚 last much longer this way
I知 buried in this darkness
Breathe in me, let this dead man come alive
I知 buried in this darkness
Bring the dead to life
Bring the dead to life