I will wait on You Lord
I will wait on You Lord
I知 not going anywhere
So I will wait on You Lord
I知 tearing down
This fortress I致e built
Nothing will keep us apart
You hold the heavens but never
Let go of my heart
I知 forever Yours
I知 forever Yours
Oh the greatest joy
You値l always be mine
I知 forever Yours
I will walk with You Lord
I will walk with You Lord
Where You go I値l always follow
So I will walk with You Lord
Tu yo soy Senor
Written by Martin Smith, Henry Milne & Matt Bray
ゥ 2015 Thankyou Music, Smith United admin by CapitolCMGPublishing.com excluding the UK & Europe which is admin by Integrity Music, part of the David Cook family, songs@integritymusic.com/Bright City Collective Ltd admin by Bespoke Records