I’ve never really had this feelin’, like someone really loves me
But Jesus truly loves me, it’s got my heart reeling
I found the information, in lyrics David penned
His Savior and his Friend, His love’s without condition
I know it sounds improbable, but for God nothing is impossible
God’s love goes on forever, forever
Love has always left me, as quickly as it came
But this is not the same, God never will forsake me
I’m so unfaithful, God I don’t deserve it
Receive it and be grateful
It’s difficult to think of, something with no ending
Not only everlasting, God has no beginning
Beyond my comprehension, too wonderful to feel it
To wise men He’s concealed it, and to a child revealed it
Written by the O.C. Supertones
©2002 We Own Your Songs (SESAC) / Supertones Songs (SESAC)