Pink Lemonade in my left hand
Weight of the world in my right
A pick-me-up after my crash landing
Could get me back in the sky
Pink lemonade in my left hand
Voices in the back of my mind
Saying I知 headed for a crash landing
But this ain稚 like last time
Pink Lemonade in my
Shaking off the impact, checking if I知 intact, took it on the chin
When my plane hit the roof
A mayday afternoon
Got the wind knocked out of me, ma still proud of me,
head in the clouds I値l be back there soon
I値l see the man in the moon
If I can find a little light in the dark
Soon enough I値l see the rest of the stars
Something to cheer me could be the one thing that steers me back to a spark
Pull up to the party I知 a hot mess
But I could get it started with a lot less
Sugar in my cup
Turn the music up
I been through enough
Lemme choose to buff
The scratches out with subs in the trunk
I lost the horizon
I値l swallow my pride and
I値l stop keeping track
Of the crashes I pilot
Static makes it sound like no one痴 listening
But I keep finding Heaven in the little things