Jesus, do some healing
I can稚 take how I知 feeling
I want to be free
I知 sorry that I知 really not
I love the ghost that haunts in my heart more than you Even though he drains me, and I let him
Will you come get me?
I知 just afraid of who I would be without predictability Make what I want and what I need the same thing
Wisdom, come on and marry me
My spirit needs a remedy
I lose the balance too easily
I知 sorry that I知 really not
For skinning my knees in the parking lot
I have deified a guilty kiss
And the miracle is that I知 starting to see it And name it for what it is
I知 falling down and you池e still reaching out your hand You池e consistently devoted, despite how I feel
I am relieved at who I am without predictability Just gotta make it through tonight
I am afraid of who I could be without familiarity Make what I want and what I need the same thing Would you just save me?
Spirit, whisper to me Something you could only