Love woke me up this morning with a memory
Love came and whispered a story that awakened a dream
Imagine a beautiful castle and a beautiful king
He left the comfort of his throne to fight for victory
I am a dreamer
Take me higher
Open the sky up
Start a fire
I believe even if it’s just a dream
Love woke me up this morning and I ran to see
The king in the winners circle on the horse he won for me
Only a king would do anything
To protect the kingdom
Behind the Song:'It was so much fun writing this one.
I was writing in my room one night, trying to come up with some song ideas, and a melody started to take form. I called Brad and Ed as soon as I finished it. I sang it for them with the phone resting on my knee (that takes talent, by the way). I took a deep sigh of relief… we had the last song for the record.
The next week when I was in Nashville, Ed and I wrote the lyric. We wanted to call it “Dreamer”—for it to be a song about faith. There was a movie that we had been able to see in a screening a few weeks before that inspired a lot of it, actually. The song slowly became a story about a good King who gave up everything for his kingdom… a story about the heart of Jesus told in a very mythical way.' - Bethany Dillon
“I am a dreamer/Take me higher/Open the sky up/Start a fire/I believe even if it’s just a dream…”