We delight in the law of your word
We delight in the son who was perfect from birth
We delight in the day he's returning to earth
We will bow our hearts because we are free
As we raise our hands to give you glory
Father of life and love and infinite worth
We're delivered by blood that flows from the tree
Draws near to you vessels of your mercy
For the invention of man, glorious trinity
We delight in the law of your word
We delight in the son who was perfect from birth
We delight in the day he's returning to earth
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
We will lift our eyes to the cloud and the flame
Lord you guide our steps and restore us again
The nations of man will rejoice in the God of the wilderness
Hallelujah, Oh Hallelujah
Behind the Song:''We Delight' was written as a link between the two testaments concerning worship; the first verse being a reflection of our reason to rejoice in the church age, the second verse demonstrating the joy that the Israelites experienced after their deliverance and conquest of the promised land, and the chorus being the proverbial 'middle ground.' Through every facet of ancient Jewish Ceremonial law, the Israel of the Old Testament was very clearly celebrating the coming of Christ and looking forward in time to His sacrifice. Meanwhile, the Christians of the present age look back to the crucifixion in worship and doctrine. Therefore, the children of God from every age may clearly rejoice in the same thing.' - Caedmon's Call