Peace like a river flows within me
Love like a waterfall pours on me
I'll never be alone, can't you see
Peace like a river flows on...
Hope is a fire burning in my soul
Life is eternal with you Lord
Who could ever ask for more
Peace Like a river flows on...
...on, think of all I could have missed
...oh, I just can't get over this
Faith is a light shining down on me
Mercy is a wind blowing over me
The grace of God has set me free
Peace like a river flows on...
Lyrics by Mac Powell / Music by Third Day / ©1997 New Spring Publishing (a div of Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing, Inc.) /
Vandura 2500 Songs / gray dot songs, a div. of gray dot, inc. / ASCAP
All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.