I'm what your looking for
No need to search any more
I'm in need of your saving
You can give me hope
Rescue my wretched soul
You are the one I am praying
I am just like the alien
the fatherless and the widow
Keep your watch over me
Sustain the life in me
Frustrate the ways of every wicked man
Let me inside your home
Father defend my cause
Plead for my case and my innocence
Just like the alien,
I'm a stranger in a strange land
Just like the fatherless I am in need
of someone to take my hand
Just like the widow,
I need you right now to understand and
save me.
Won't you save me?
Lyrics by Mac Powell / Music by Third Day / ©1997 New Spring Publishing (a div of Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing, Inc.) /
Vandura 2500 Songs / gray dot songs, a div. of gray dot, inc. / ASCAP
All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.