Dale Thompson: God has continued to mold our sound and style evolving Bride into what we are today. We personally have no preferences as to the style we play as long as it is ordained of the Lord and He is reaching young people through it.
Dale: Not too many... everyone in the band listens to different artists, and in doing that it, brings many different influences to the writing table. We try to stay current so as not to alienate our audience of young listeners whom this ministry is designed to reach.
Dale: It's wherever Bride can be the most use to the Kingdom of God. I believe there are enough lost kids in the church that the biggest part of our ministry is trying to bring them in completely. Just because a person goes to church and participates in church plays, choruses and events doesn't mean their saved. Our message is salvation and we do minister to the house of God.
Dale: Lyrical ideas come from many different sources. Sometimes it may be one sentence that comes to me and I write it down among many more words, phrases or sentences that I have compiled over the months. When God says to write, then I sit down and look at the puzzle that He has delivered. In trying to put it all together, it is amazing to watch the Holy Spirit work. Words that I had written that seemed of no importance take a key role in the development of a song. Seldom do I ever sit down and just write a song. It is through much prayer and trust in the Lord. I would not want to write a song on my own. I would feel helpless.
Dale: Our goal was to record a record that would bring glory to God, and if we were faithful in what He commissioned us to do, then He would be able to perform a great work through this piece of music. I believe we achieved that goal. The title, The Jesus Experience, came to me one day like the lyrics of a song. I thought they would end up in a song but that was not God's purpose for those words. Then I got confirmation after a show in Indiana. A fellow walked up to me and asked me what he would have to do to be saved. Of course I began a lengthy explanation into sin and salvation. He patiently listened and at the end of my explanation, he told me that he had been sent by God to tell me one thing. He looked me dead in the eyes and said, "Take on the name of Jesus". I took that as a direct confirmation of the three words "The Jesus Experience" which had been given to me previously from the Lord.
Dale: Saying that this song is unambiguously lucid because it was taken from Psalm 22 practically verbatim may provoke even more discussion than if I were to say it is a perplexing song with an even more inextricable video. The song originally was written about a man that was preparing to take his own life. In the midst of his sorrow and loss of hope he reached out one final time to the only One that can promise hope. This is a song about Jesus revealing Himself to a man who had been moments away from ending his own life. It does get a bit confusing as I jump from the cross to this man. But it also represents that no matter how low we get no matter how badly we hurt, Christ has hurt that much and has absorbed the pain for us. He knows what it feels like to be empty and He has drunk the cup of suffering for each individual. So there is nothing that we can go through in this life that Jesus Himself had not experienced while upon the cross.
Dale: "Cosmic Christ" is a satirical look at different beliefs and even christianity, for who feel they need scientific proof in order to believe that which only comes by faith. There are those out there now still waiting for a Messiah to come. Some are waiting for a miracle and a sign to materialize so that they will be made believers. Jesus said that a wicked and adulterous generation seeks after a sign. I believe Jesus is who He said He was and I believe He is returning, not because of scientific proof or the discoveries made in history, but because I am just foolish enough to have faith in God and believe in the invisible things.
Dale: Not at all because the music is not the important thing about what we do. There is a spirit behind what we do that transcends age. I am 33 years old and I grew up listening to bands out of the 70's. I feel that the older crowd which enjoys this music is just a reflection and a product of the same music which I had been exposed to. It just proves we're all pretty much alike.
Dale: If the fans stop going to concerts then we will see less and less bands on the road. The reason for Bride's lack of touring has been fan support at the shows in recent years. We are taking a big leap of faith in the next couple of months as we go out on tour. We have not toured regularly since 1992. We have been doing only weekend dates and that has kept Bride going; however, it is our desire to meet those people who support us, so touring is necessary. The body of believers must come together for strength, and a concert atmosphere like we present is perfect for that. You can be assured that not only will you see one of the best shows in rock n' roll, but the Word will be preached. We must have Christian support in order to reach the lost and help us pray for those who have given their lives to Christ at the end of the night.
Dale: Prayer and being ready to be used by God.
Dale: Not just preaching, but the person who is delivering the Word must be allowing himself to be used of God. This means stirring up the Holy Spirit within him. The Holy Spirit is not only our comforter but our helper. We cannot worship God without the Holy Spirit. He is there for us and many times people do not completely surrender to the will of God. God said it would be through the foolishness of preaching that people may be saved. Being compelled to preach is a great feeling because you know that if you get out of the way God will use you as an instrument to speak through.
Dale: I am not interested in trying to convince anyone of the legitimate use of rock 'n roll music. I am not preaching rock music. There are enough people receptive to rock music who will listen to God when he speaks that we have plenty of work ahead of us. We want only to serve God and be good stewards of that which He has left us to do.
JFH (John): The Jesus freak Hideout site was started out of appreciation for good Christian music. We've set a goal to try to use the site to spread Christian music, as well as God's Word, & show others how great Christian music can be. Do you listen to Christian music? If so, what bands?
Dale: I listen to Guardian, Whitecross, RocketBoy, Nailed, The Newsboys etc....
JFH (John): I really appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule to answer some questions for us. Are there any last comments you'd like to make?
Dale: If you have read this interview and want to know more about Jesus Christ please feel free to visit our web-site for information on salvation and on Bride at http://www.bridepub.com
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