Jeremy Dunn: It's been great. Turnouts are up and down, but pretty good overall. I've really been impressed by the personnel on the tour; the bands have been awesome to work with. No head-butting, nothing like that, and everyone gets along great so it's always a plus.
Jeremy: Oh yeah. We're pretty difficult, but other than that… *laughs*
Jeremy: We blew up the U-Haul website, the Penske website, the Enterprise website trying to rent something or whatever. We eventually figured it out. We did what where I'm from we call it "Jimmy Rig" -- where you make something work in a way it's not supposed to work (*laughs*) and it gets you by until you're able to fix it.
Jeremy: Well, actually, now that the Fireflight thing is not happening, we're gonna go home for a while. I'm really excited about it though because we're gonna have plenty of time to-- we added two new songs for this tour, but we didn't have enough time to prepare for this tour and add more new stuff and with a new album coming out around the first of the year we're really excited about implementing all of that. I think we're going to work out a full-blown acoustic set, so you'll be happy about that. We're going to work out that and add a lot of new songs and it's going to be great.
Jeremy: Yeah! Well, Jared, Noah, and Jon play the band for the girl when she gets signed and goes out on tour; they're her band. That came through EMI actually. They were contacted and needed a band from Alabama. We were one and there as a worship band in Alabama, so we got suggested for the movie. It was cool because they took one of the songs too. The song was, I think, "The Void." [That] was in the movie, too. We actually saw it last night; it was pretty awesome.
Jeremy: They had free reign over that. It's whatever they picked.
Jeremy: Oh yeah, always exciting. I'll tell you, from that experience, if I had gone and watched The Dark Knight, and for some reason I just happened to know Christian Bale personally, the movie would have been ruined. I can't take my guys seriously. I know them, so when they're on the big screen, that's not random drummer #5… That's Noah. *laughs*
Jeremy: It was exciting. It was definitely all God, man. God is good.
Jeremy: We really did want to incorporate a lot more this go-around. I grew up on rock, but one of my favorite bands growing up was Linkin Park and so I've always loved that. We thought it was a side of our taste that we didn't know how to do before and now that we do, we just really wanted to incorporate it and try and bring it out. It's not a techno album by any means (*laughs*). You're still getting a rock album, but definitely some added emphasis on that.
Jeremy: It's literally baptism. So, you give your life to Christ and then baptism represents the death. You die to yourself when you're submerged and then you come back up a new creation. I mean, baptism doesn't save you, but it represents what really takes place.
Jeremy: We die to ourselves and we come to life in Christ. It's just the whole image, when you come alive in Christ you're introduced to this whole new world where there is a war waging for souls. Satan is trying to take as many people down with him as he can and God's trying to rescue as many as He can. You know?
Jeremy: Oh yeah. Yep! We brought it up as just a thought; Tank had the thought, "What if we just have a baptism? Is there anybody that hasn't been baptized before?" So, we're going to do that tonight, but we're opening it up the public too. So, anybody that makes a decision tonight, if they're over 18 they can get baptized; if they're under they have to ask their parents, but as long as they have permission… We're gonna be doing some baptizing tonight!
Jeremy: Well, this album was split between Aaron Sprinkle and Jasen Rauch.
Jeremy: Yeah, he did the Love & Death album. I think he -- it's not out yet, but I think he -- just did some work on the new Manafest, too. We worked with him on it and it really, really helped to balance out the album a lot. Aaron's really good at the programming stuff you were talking about on "Break the World" and everything. He really got to bring those elements and let it spread throughout the rest. Rauch is a really great rock producer; that's his specialty. You get a heavier riff and a good melody and he's right at home. It really helped keep us in the center. You have one this direction and in this direction and you end up in the center.
Jeremy: Um… It's tentative.
Jeremy: I can name the month. It got pushed back. It was almost this month, but it got pushed back because we missed some of the deadlines. Because we're so close to Christmas, even a little pushback turns into a big pushback because you can't release within a certain amount of time before Christmas or you just get destroyed. It will probably be January. January is what's being thrown around right now. Specific dates I don't know, but worst case scenario it will hit February. Right now, it's looking like January.
Jeremy: Yep, it was February 14th.
Jeremy: All over it! So, we might do that. It just depends on the numbers. We gotta crunch numbers.
Jeremy: Oh, wow. Maybe we're out of the loop *laughter* Sweet, thanks for telling me.
Jeremy: Oh yeah, they are. It's crazy because there are so many bands that I love and there's so many different types of music that I love. As I've gotten older, I've rounded out. I was a metal head growing up. At one point in my life, it's just branched out into all these different kinds of music. I literally said the other day, talking to my wife, Julie, 'man now that I think about I think my favorite band of all time was Linkin Park.' I still love them; even their new stuff, I still love it. But as far as influence writing wise, I can't even… You can't pinpoint that. It's crazy. Everything from… I mean, the other day, I was listening to Tenth Avenue North and that inspired a song and then you turn around and got something heavy by Love & Death or something like that. You're surrounded by so many different genres it just comes from all directions really.
Jeremy: Oh yeah. Definitely. And I'm always nervous answering that because I feel like the next day it's going to change. I feel like there's bands that were my favorite at one time and then I got over it and moved on, and then my favorite at another time and got over it and moved on. But, I kept coming back to Linkin Park, so I feel like that's a safe guess.
Jeremy: Oh, they were awesome. I think that's what it is. They kinda matured and they went a little bit of a different direction about the same time my tastes were starting to round out and broaden. So it's almost like I rediscovered a band for a different reason. I loved them because I loved to rock before and now I love them for a completely different reason.
Jeremy: Just that the tour's been awesome. If anybody reads this interview, go check out LastWatch and Jason Dunn; they've got some stuff coming out. Jason Dunn's album should be releasing this month some time. So go check it out and keep a look out for ours in January.
Jeremy: Uh… It's January, Maybe-th of 2014…
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