Rhett Walker: Awww man, well…things are crazy, but it's good. Not much has changed yet for me, I'm still doing weekend gigs with the band and that allows me to be home during the week. The biggest thing that has changed is this thing I'm doing right now. I have done so many interviews lately for radio and what-not that I forget who I'm talking to. A lot of them are in the morning, so it's tough to be up for them sometimes. But the radio people have been great; everyone has been great so far.
Rhett: Oh, that's a great story. I was told by some radio folks when it was going to be on and I was able to be with my family out on our back deck when it came on.
Rhett: Yeah, it's fantastic that I got to be able to share it with my family.
Rhett: Oh yeah. We home school them because I didn't want to have to ask permission to take them out with me for a week at a time. They love it!
Rhett: : Well, for right now we're just playing "one off" kinds of gigs and a whole lot of radio shows, you know, "fly in for the weekend, play acoustic" sort of things. But we're heading out with Kutless in the fall."
Rhett: Yeah, we're pretty excited about that. Those guys are the kind of "muscular" music we like to play with. Being on a real tour for the first time will be cool.
Rhett: Yeah, you have to take care of yourself and your spiritual life. But I'm looking forward to having a rhythm to shows instead of a one-at-a-time thing that we have been doing.
Rhett: San Diego was awesome. And I just love being in Texas anytime. I'm a huge University of Texas Longhorns fan.
Rhett: It was pretty good from the first note we played together. I can't believe how they make my songs come alive. When you write something at home on your acoustic it sounds all right, but it's nothing compared to hearing what the band does with it. I'm blessed to have these guys in my life.
Rhett: Oh yeah. It's like an "us against the world" thing...kind of like a "band of brothers" sort of thing.
Rhett: I was born into a preacher's family, and things were all going according to my family's plan until we moved the summer before my senior year of high school. I was from a small town, the kind with one stoplight, and I knew everybody. It was a shock to move to another town and go to a school where I didn't know anybody. As a result the kids who I fell into hanging out with were a tough crowd (ironically, the crowd that was the most accepting of the new kid at school) and that year I basically lived any way and did anything that I wanted to do. I got in trouble around town, I got high. You name it and I did it. By the end of the year I found out that my girlfriend was pregnant and that's when it all hit me, how I had been living, what I was doing to my parents, what was in front of me now with a baby on the way. I said to my girlfriend (now wife April) "Baby, we've done nothing right in this whole relationship, but we're going to start doing things right, right now!"
Rhett: Well after a few years working construction I got a gig leading worship at a growing church and I was having the time of my life, playing music and getting paid the best money I had made up 'til that point. But there were some issues in the leadership of the church that I felt were leaving Jesus at the door and getting away from everything that is important about the body of Christ. When I had a meeting with the head guy in the church and expressed what I felt, he basically said that things were going to go on the way that they were and I had to take the church as it was or leave it. So after talking with April that night I resigned the best job I had ever had the next day. It was against my business sense as I didn't have anything else lined up, but I did it...then I got offered a record deal about a month later and that was that. I still get to do what I love and what God has created me to do and I can call the shots.
Rhett: Oh definitely, God's great like that.
Rhett: Well my dad is just a great man of God. But he's pretty understated and he hates to text, which is how I communicate mostly these days as I'm on the move so much. So last year on Father's Day I just texted, "Thanks" and he loved it. And my kids, well Rileigh my eight year old is a complete diva and dancer. What I love about her is that she is making up praise songs now and she always wants me to listen to them. The other day she had one that said, "He adores me, He awards me" in a nice little rhyme that stuck in my head. I love that, "He adores me, He awards me." I think I'm going to work that into a song. My son Jett is just a maniac wrestler who just wants to be around dad. It's nice to have a home fan base like mine.
Rhett: I would say "calm down!" Life is long and not everything you are experiencing is the end of the world. God has a plan and can even use the messed up stuff you have done if you will just give it all to Him. He sure has used all my messed up stuff. Just the other day a woman wrote me about my song "When Mercy Found Me" and said that it started up a great conversation with her co-worker and that the co-worker is now seeking a relationship with the Lord. God uses everything, so just calm down and know that He is in control.
Rhett: Yeah, I should go write that down!
Rhett: Thanks brother!
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