- God's Comic CD/DVD, 2010 [Right Minded/Word]
- "Wussification" CD/DVD, 2007 [Right Minded/Word]
- Tolerate This!, 2005 [Right Minded/Word]
- A Conservative Unleashed, 2004 [Right Minded/Word]
- Put A Helmet On!, 2003 [Right Minded]
Artist Videography
- The Best Of Brad Stine DVD, 2008 [Right Minded/Word]
- "Wussification" CD/DVD, 2007 [Right Minded/Word]
- Tolerate This! DVD, 2005 [Right Minded/Word]
- A Conservative Unleashed, 2004 [Right Minded/Word]
- Put A Helmet On!, 2003 [Right Minded]
- How To Think Right, 2008 .... Brad Stine [Hudson Press]
- Live From Middle America: Rants From A Red-State Comedian, 2006 .... Brad Stine [Hudson Press]
- Being a Christian Without Being an Idiot: 10 Assumed Truths That Make Us Look Stupid, 2004 .... Brad Stine [Word]
Actor Filmography
- Rumors of War, 2014...
- Persecuted, 2014... Pastor Ryan Morris
- 11 Seconds, 2013...
- Christmas with a Capital C, 2010...
- Sarah's Choice, 2009... Clay
- Welcome to Paradise, 2007... John Sullivan
- Before She Met Me, 2000... Heckler
- Poodle Springs (TV Movie), 1998... Cop
Artist Links
- Official Site
- JFH Concert Review (10/23/05)