- R.I.P. (Rest in Peace), 2003 [Tooth & Nail]
- Retrospective, 2002 [Tooth & Nail]
- Ghoti Hook EP [Velvet Blue Music, 2000]
- Two Years to Never, 2000 [Tooth & Nail]
- Songs We Didn't Write, 1998 [Tooth & Nail]
- Banana Man, 1997 [Tooth & Nail]
- Sumo Surprise, 1996 [Tooth & Nail]
- Ghoti Hook/Value Pac Split EP, 1996 [Tooth & Nail]
- Boca Grande EP, 1995 (independent)
- No Date EP, 1994 (independent)
Compilation Contributions
- The Classics: Rock, 2004 .... "Seasons" [Tooth & Nail]
- Cheapskates: Harder Side, 2000 .... "Mach 3 (Demo Version)" [Tooth & Nail]
- Songs From The Penalty Box Vol. 4, 2000 .... "Two Years Till Never" [Tooth & Nail]
- Songs From The Penalty Box Vol. 3, 1999 .... "Acquiesce" [Tooth & Nail]
- Songs From The Penalty Box Vol. 2, 1998 .... "My Bike," "I Love Rock And Roll" [Tooth & Nail]
- Tooth & Nail Sampler Vol. 3, 1996 .... "Shrinky Dinks" [Tooth & Nail]
- Sweet Family Music: A Tribute to Stryper, 1996 .... "First Love" [Liquid Discs]
- I'm Your Biggest Fan - Volume 1 - A Punk Rock and Emo Compilation, 1996 .... "Scared Am I" [Tooth & Nail]
Former Members
- Conrad Tolosa... Guitar (1991-1997)
- Mark Lacasse... Guitar, BGV (1998-2000)
- Christian Ergueta... Bass, BGV (1991-2000)
- Justin Levy... Lead Guitar (1990-1991)
Video Compilation Contributions
- Tooth & Nail Videography 1993-1999 DVD, 2000 .... "Shrinky Dinks," "Walking on Sunshine" [Tooth & Nail]
- Tooth & Nail Video Compilation Volume Three VHS, 1997 .... "Shrinky Dinks" [Tooth & Nail]