L.A. Symphony
- You Still On Earth?, 2014 (independent)
- Unleashed, 2007 [Syntax]
- Disappear Here, 2005 [Gotee]
- Less than Zero , 2005 (independent)
- The End Is Now, 2003 [Gotee]
- Composition #1 re-release, 2003 [Basement]
- Baloney EP, 2001 (independent)
- Composition #1, 1999 [eartube empire]
Compilation Contributions
- An Illect Recordings Christmas Recording, 2009 .... "It's Christmas," "Christmas Song" [iLLECT]
- Hip Hope 2008, 2007 .... "Rise" [Gotee]
- The CCM New Music Collection: Vol. 2, 2007 .... "Soul Bros" (from Unleashed) [Salem Publishing]
- Friends With Microphones, 2007 .... "Dance Like" (from Disappear Here) [One Truth]
- Hip Hope 2006, 2005 .... "Dance Like" (from Disappear Here) [Gotee]
- Gotee 10 Years Brand New, 2004 .... "Gonna Be Alright" [Gotee]
- Hip Hope 2005, 2004 .... "Here To Party" (from The End Is Now) [Gotee]
Collector's Items
- Timeless 12" Vinyl Single, 2005 [Basement]
- I Can't Have Her 12" Vinyl Single, 2004 [Basement]
- Gonna Be Alright 12" Vinyl Single, 2003 [Basement]
- Call It What You Want prerelease, 1999 [Squint]
- Broken Tape Decks Vinyl
- Everybody Get 12" Vinyl Single
- Heartfelt Rhymes 12" Vinyl Single
Former L.A. Symphony Members
- J-Beits AKA Great Jason... Vocals
- Pigeon John... Vocals
- J Boogie... Vocals
- bTwice... Vocals
- Trendi MC... Vocals
- Gaja... Vocals
- Beond... Vocals
- Xpress... Vocals
L.A. Symphony Concert Reviews
- Passion Fest 2007 - 7/7/07, Pottstown, PA
L.A. Symphony Links
- Official Site