#36. Further Seems Forever
The Moon Is Down
Release Date: March 15, 2001
It was the summer of emo and I needed to make every moment a grand one. Seeing Further Seems Forever play this album at Cornerstone Festival, I took a chance to seize the moment and decided that I could not simply stand still and listen to the songs as if they were mere songs, when really I was living, breathing, and finding myself in each guitar riff. This music was moving me. Defiant and caring a little too much, I watched from just outside the tent, tears streaming down my face on that sweaty, grassy knoll, clutching at my own breasts just like every other teen there. We were all having a moment. Our own moment. Together. And the words were just for us. I fell in love to that album and then promptly got my heart broken.
- Leanor Till of the bands Five Iron Frenzy and The Fast Feeling
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