"The 2000s were a pretty good time for music. (Did we ever decide what to call this decade, by the way?)
Though I first discovered Christian music in the late 90’s, it was 2000 and onward when I became more engaged with
the genre -- going to concerts, anticipating albums, and even going on to work in the radio side of the industry. With so
much good music over the past decade, it’s hard to narrow it down to just ten! But here they are... my ten favorites from
a variety of genres, in alphabetical order. Enjoy!"
~ Jen
1. Anberlin - Cities (2007)
2. Andy Hunter - Exodus (2002)
3. Brooke Fraser - Albertine (2006/2008)
4. David Crowder*Band - A Collision or (3 + 4 = 7) (2005)
5. Earthsuit - Kaleidoscope Superior (2000)
6. The Echoing Green - The Winter of Our Discontent: Special Edition (2004)
7. Jon Foreman - Seasonal EPs (2007/2008)
8. Kendall Payne - Grown (2005)
9. NEEDTOBREATHE - The Heat (2007)
10. Switchfoot - Nothing Is Sound (2005)
Honorable Mentions:
The Almost - Southern Weather (2007)
Bebo Norman - Between the Dreaming and the Coming True (2006)
The Benjamin Gate - Contact (2002)
Five Iron Frenzy - The End Is Here (2004)
Kevin Max - Stereotype Be (2001)
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