#16. Ivoryline
There Came A Lion
Release Date: February 5
Debut bands from Tooth & Nail Records have consistently been among the most warmly welcomed additions
to the Christian rock scene for many years and Ivoryline is one impressive new group who's
carrying the prestigious tradition into 2008 as their terrific melodic indie rock style, represented
by the fantastic single "Be Still and Breath," is already slamming on the radio.
- Tim Harro
Tooth & Nail has a tendency to sign extremely talented bands who have for some reason gone unnoticed by other
labels. Being new to the label offers great advantages to a band with such promise. Not only do the guys get to tour with
veteran T&N bands, they get the chance to impact people at shows enough to turn them into their fans. A debut release can't
be ok, it has to maintain the capacity to blow the listener away. It will be interesting to see whether Ivoryline makes
enough of a roar to work its way up the Tooth & Nail roster.
- Jess Gregorius
Ivoryline is an undeniably outstanding addition to the Tooth and Nail roster. If the featured songs online
are any indications of what the remaining tracks on There Came A Lion are, then I think
it'd be very safe to say this debut album is going to be the start of an amazing musical career for the men
of Ivoryline. Let's be thankful the release date is creeping up very quickly...
- Lindsay Wiseman
Visit our Ivoryline page for more information about them...