Make ready the way for the King, Make ready the path, For His kingdom is marching in. Make straight the highways, Open the gates, Prepare the people, For His kingdom is marching in. We値l slay the idols, Sacrifice on the altar, We値l lay our treasures, Put them onto the fire. We値l slay the idols, Sacrifice on the altar, We値l lay our treasures, Place them at his feet.
Make ready the way for the King, Make ready the path, For His kingdom is marching in. Make straight the highways, Open the gates, Prepare the people, For His kingdom is marching in.
We値l slay the idols, Sacrifice on the altar, We値l lay our treasures, Put them onto the fire. We値l slay the idols, Sacrifice on the altar, We値l lay our treasures, Place them at his feet. Make ready the way, Make ready the way, Make ready the way, Make ready the way.
Make ready the way, Make ready the way, Make ready the way, Make ready the way.
All His enemies shall be defeated, For who can stand, who can stand against Him? All His enemies shall be defeated, For His kingdom, His kingdom shall be victorious.
All His enemies shall be defeated, For who can stand, who can stand against Him? All His enemies shall be defeated, For His kingdom, His kingdom shall be victorious.
The Lamb has overcome, The Lamb has overcome, The Lamb has overcome, The Lamb has overcome
Make ready the way for the King, Make ready the path, For His kingdom is marching in. Make straight the highways, Open the gates, Prepare the people, For His kingdom is marching in.
Prepare the people, For His kingdom is marching in.