You are waiting for us to move / There is so much more / Deeper than I’ve ever known and known before / When we draw near / I see the mysteries of who You are / Reveal my heart to be renewed / Until nothing’s left but You / Only You
Here I am / Falling to my knees I’m crying out again / Jesus, take me deeper than I’ve ever been / Lord, here I am / All of me reaching to the places that I cannot see / Desperately, I need You to know me / Here I am
You are waiting for me to see / All of who You are / God, You are so patient with me / Day after day / Come living water, let me drink from Your amazing grace / Reveal my heart to be renewed / Until nothing’s left but You / Only You / Come living water, let me drink from Your amazing grace // Let the things of Earth lose their hold on me / Let Your river flow, You are breaking me free / I will lift my hands in Your presence God / Make me like You are // Here I am / Everything surrendered / I am Yours / Nothing else that matters / Laying down every one of my fears / God, won’t You / God, won’t You move me / Here I am