Like a whisper, like a love song
I can hear your voice, i can hear your voice
Like a father to his new born
I can hear your voice calling me
You are my child, you are my child and I love you
You are my child you are my child and I love you
Like a promise, like a thank you
I will sing this song, i will sing this song
For the way you make my heart new
I will sing this song to you
You are my God, you are my God and I love you
You are my God, you are my God and I love you
there is no higher call, there's no greater reward
than to know you God to be known as yours
There is no better goal, nothing I'm longing for
Can compare with the truth that forever more
You are my God, you are my God and I love you
Brenton Brown
Behind the Song:"When Karl Barthes, the great theologian, was asked after all his years
of study what he felt the greatest biblical truth was he replied, 'Jesus
loves me, this I know, for the bible tells me so'. At the stillpoint of my
little universe is the simple truth that God is my father and that our
journey with Him extends well beyond this lifetime - regardless of the
success and failure it brings to me." - Brenton Brown