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JFH Devotionals by J.M. Farro

God Has a Turnaround for You

"When you come looking for Me, you'll find Me. Yes, when you get serious about finding Me and want it more than anything else, I'll make sure you won't be disappointed...I'll turn things around for you." - Jeremiah 29:13-14 MSG

One subject that I receive prayer requests for on a regular basis is the subject of relationships. Some people are on the verge of starting a new relationship, and want to know if it's from God. Others are experiencing the end of a relationship, and long to know if they should seek a reconciliation, or if the Lord is telling them to move on. The latest email I received on the subject was from a dear man who was deeply hurt because the woman who he was in a relationship with for more than two years simply walked away from him. He said that he could not bear to think of loving anyone else but her, and that he was sure that whenever he tried to be with someone else, she would be the one on his mind and in his heart. He confessed that he was very confused, and he wanted to know if he should pray that God would cause them to reconcile, or if he should just accept the fact that the Lord didn't want them to be together.

The first thing I told this man was that he needed to hear from the Lord directly whether or not his former girlfriend was His perfect choice for him, or if God had someone better for him in mind. I told him that his girlfriend walking away from him could be the best thing that ever happened to him. Then I shared with him that 42 years ago, a young man who I had been in a relationship with for over 3 years suddenly turned his back on me, and my life was shattered. I was convinced that the Lord was going to cause us to reconcile, but He had a better plan. Seven months later, I met my husband, Joe, and he has been my mate and my best friend all these years. I continually thank God that my old boyfriend broke up with me when he did, and I shudder to think of the possibility of missing out on the love of my life if our relationship had continued.

The next thing I told the man who wrote me was that he needed to spend some time alone with the Lord - reading His Word, asking Him to speak to his heart, and listening for His voice. I said that when he got serious about hearing from God and following His lead, he would never regret it. You see, those many years ago when I went through that dark and painful period of feeling rejected and betrayed, I sought the Lord like I never had before. I had gone to church all my life, but I didn't have a deeply personal relationship with Christ, as I do now. Nevertheless, every single day during that time, I knelt before the Lord in humble prayer, and I asked Him to send me HIS choice for a mate. I went about my everyday business, attending my college classes, going to my part-time job, and praying earnestly for God to heal my broken heart, and to lead me to the person who would love me with His kind of love. I made new friends, and I dated on and off, but I still felt lonely, and as though something was missing in my life. But I kept pressing on, and kneeling before the Lord each day, pleading with Him to lead me to the man He wanted me to share my life with. Exactly seven months later, I met my husband, Joe, in one of my college classes, and we have been together ever since.

I didn't realize it at the time, but when I was determined to lay hold of God's plans for my life, and His choice for a mate, I was proving the promises in His Word which say: "When you come looking for Me, you'll find Me. Yes, when you get serious about finding Me and want it more than anything else, I'll make sure you won't be disappointed...I'll turn things around for you." (Jeremiah 29:13-14 MSG) I don't believe that it's by accident that you are reading this message today. I believe that God has a "turnaround" in store for you, just as He did for me. What is a turnaround? It's "an abrupt or unexpected change, especially one that results in a more favorable situation". (Hallelujah!) The turnaround you need right now could be in the area of your relationships, your finances, your career, or your health. Whatever it is, I'm telling you today that if you will get serious about wanting God's plans and purposes for your life above your own or anyone else's, you will witness Him opening doors, and moving mountains on your behalf. And your life will never be the same!

Prayer: Lord, teach me how to get serious about seeking You, and getting to know You in every way You can be known. I believe that You are a good God, and an all-wise God, and only You know for sure what is best for me. Work in my heart and mind, and align my desires with Yours. Teach me how to pray for all the good things You have in store for me. And help me to live my life for You from now on, instead of for myself or someone else. Thank You for the "turnarounds" that I will reap as I sow seeds of devotion for You and Your Word!

- J. M. Farro


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