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JFH Devotionals by J.M. Farro


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


.Absolutely Above Suspicion
.Accept Your Lot--For Now
.According to Your Faith (A)
.According to Your Faith Will It Be Done
.Active Faith
.Adjust Your Plans
.Against All Odds
.Agreeing with the Enemy
.All the Help of Heaven
.Alone Time
."Amazing" Faith
.An Appropriate Blessing
.An 'Easy Thing' for God
.An Increase of Honor and Comfort
.Anger Causes Mistakes
.Anger vs. Assistance (A)
.Answer Their Insults
.The Antidote for Pressure and Stress
.Anything Deadly or Poisonous
.Apparent Contradictions In The Bible
.The Appearance Of Evil
.Appearances Can be Deceiving
.Approaching God (A)
.Approval Games (A)
.Are You Seeking Great Things for Yourself? (A)
.Ask God for Something Tangible *Previous Feature
.Are You Still Confident?
.Are We Seeking God?
.Are You Resisting God's Peace?
.Ask for a Sign
.Assessing Our Relationships
.At Our Wits' End
.Avoiding Entanglements
.Avoiding Making Mistakes (A)


.The Battle is Not Yours
.Battle Scars
.Be at Rest Once More
.Be Determined to Do His Will
.Be Joyful in Hope (A)
.Be Merciful and Blessed (A)
.Be Prepared But Don't Be Scared
.Be Satisfied with What You Have
.Be Someone's Cheerleader
.Believe and Receive
.Believe and See His Glory
.Believe and They'll Receive
.Believe for Victory
.Believe that Jesus is Willing
.Believing God for Good (A)
.Believing Prayer
.Benefit Yourself!
.Benefits and Blessings from God
.The Benefits of Our Righteousness in Christ (A)
.The Benefits of Salvation
.The Best is Yet to Come
.The Best Lesson My Dad Ever Taught Me
.Better to Trust the Lord
.Beyond Our Highest Expectations
.Biblical Meditation: Part 1
.Biblical Meditation: Part 2
.Birthing the Miracles of God (A)
.Bite Your Tongue and Be Strong!
.Bitterness or Joy
.Blame or Blessings?
.Blessed in Your Sleep
.Blessed or Offended?
.Blessed to Impress (A)
.The Blessings of Sacrifice
.Blessings for the Weak
.Blunders to Blessings
.The Benefits of Rebuke (A)
.Boosting Our Prayer Power (A)
.Breaking Destructive Patterns
.Breaking Through Barriers
.Broken Promises
.By the Obedience of One
.By Their Fruit You Will Know Them


.Call On Him In Truth
.Call to the Lord for Help
.Call Upon the Name of Jesus
.Calm Me Down and Cheer Me Up
.Can You Pray? (A)
.Caring Enough To Confront
.Cast All Your Cares
.Cast Those Cares (A)
.Change the Channel
.Check Your Connection
.Choose Life!
.Choosing God's Best
.Christ is Your Real Master
.Christ's Hands On Ours
.The Christian Life
.Christlike Compassion
.A Climate Of Faith
.Cling to God's Promises
.Come Boldly and Keep Coming (A)
.Come to a H.A.L.T. (A)
.Commit Everything You Do to the Lord
.Commit To Victory
.A Compassionate Comforter
.Complaints, Doubts, and Highest Purposes
.Confirmation of God's Promises (A)
.Confirming God's Will
.Confront People Directly
.The Consequences of Loose Talk

.Consider Him Faithful
.Constructive Complaining
.Costly Mistakes
.The Costs and Rewards of Discipleship (A)
.'Covered' in Prayer
.Cranky or Christlike?
.Created For Praise
.Creative Miracles
.Critical Speech
.The Cure for Discouragement


.Dangerous Distractions
.The Dangers of Discouragement (A)
.The Dangers of Higher Education
.The Dangers of Strife (A)
.Darkest Before the Dawn (A)
.Dating: One Mom's Perspective
.Day-and-Night Prayers
.Dealing with Doubt (A)
.Debating Christians
.Declaring Our Way to Victory
.Defeating Negative Thinking
.Dependence Vs. Independence (A)
.Delays Are Not Necessarily Denials
.The Desires of Your Heart
.The Destructive Power of Strife
.The Difference Humility Can Make
.The Difference Encouragement Can Make
.The Difference That Trust Makes (A)
.A Different Kind of Fast
.The Disaster of Wrong Desires
.'Discreet' Decisions
.Distancing Ourselves from Danger (A)
.Distracted from God's Work
.Divine Deals
.Divine Intervention and Protection
.Do It For The Lord
.Do Not Fear Bad News
.Do Not Gloat Over Your Enemy
.Do The Right Thing
.Do What Is Right
.Do Whatever He Tells You
.Do You Want to Get Well? (A)
.Do Your Best
.Don't Act Hastily
.Don't Be a Brooder
.Don't Be a Slave to Fear
.Don't Be Deceived
.Don't Be Intimidated
.Don't Be Swayed
.Don't Compare Yourself With Others (A)
.Don't Dwell On the Past
.Don't Envy Sinners
.Don't Fail to Inherit God's Promises (A)
.Don't Get Lazy!
.Don't Get Offended! (A)
.Don't Go Back to Egypt
.Don't 'Follow Your Heart'
.Don't Hang Up the Phone
.Don't Hold On Too Tightly
.Don't Leave Your Blessings Unspoken
.Don't Let It Enter Your Mind
.Don't Live for the Praises of Others
.Don't Lose Sight of God's Word
.Don't Measure Short
.Don't Panic!
.Don't Push!
.Don't Settle for Second Best
.Don't Stay Too Long
.Don't Stop Caring - Start Trusting
.Don't Try to Figure it Out
.Don't Undo Your Prayers
.Don't Waste Your Breath
.Doomed to Destructive Behavior?
.Doomed To Disappoint
.The Doubt that Destroys (A)
.The Driver's Seat
.Drop the Issue
.Duck Dilemma (In Times of Uncertainty) (A)


.Efforts Crowned with Success
.Encouragement for Hard Times (A)
.Encouragement for the Faithful (A)
.Encouraging Our Success
.Enjoy Being with People
.Enter God's Rest (A)
.Envying The Wicked
.Equipped for Confrontation
.Equipped for Greater Things (A)
.Equipped for Service
.Establishing Boundaries for Our Relationships
.Even Now (A)
.Even Then I will be Confident
.Every Little Hurt
.Everything We Need
.Evidence of God's Favor
.Exaltation will Come!
.Examining Our Motives
.An Example Of The Abundant Life
.Exceedingly Abundantly
.Excuses or Freedom? (A)
.Expect God to Act!
.Expect God's Goodness
.Expect Much from Your God
.Expecting God to Act (A)
.Expecting the Unexpected
.Experiencing God
.Extra Goodies


.Fair-Weather Friends
.Faith Failures
.Faith For Major Decisions
.Faith is spelled "R-I-S-K" (A)
.The Faith of Abraham (A)
.The Faith of a Child
.Faith Speaks
.Faithful in Little Things
.False Comforters, Gods, and Gumby
.Far Above All Rulers
.Favor for the Humble
.Favor in the Wilderness
.Favor with God and Man (A)
.Favor Us and Give Us Success
.Fear No Evil
.Fear Not
.The Fear of Human Opinion
.The Fear of The Lord
.Feed Yourself!
.Feeding Our Fear vs. Feeding Our Faith (A)
.Feeling Fragile
.Feelings of Loneliness
.Fickle Friends
.Fighting Off Fear
.Finish The Work (A)
.The Five-Dog Rule
.Flee from Sexual Immorality
.Fly Away and Be at Rest
.Focus on Love
.The Foolishness of Anger (A)
.The Foolishness of Resentment
.Forget the Results! (A)
.Following God's Peace
.For the Sake of God's Reputation
.Forget the Crisis Prayers
.Forgive and Forget
.Four Good Reasons Not to Be Fearful
.Four Steps to Success (A)
.For Such a Time as This (A)
.A Force to Be Reckoned With (A)
.Freedom and Healing
.Freedom from the Fear of Death
.Freedom from Unforgiveness
.Freedom In Friendship

.Freely Give
.Fresh Hope
.A Fresh Wind for Our Sails
.Friendships According to God (A)
.From Bad to Worse
.From Grief to Gladness
.From Helplessness to Healing
.From the Lord Comes Deliverance
.From Torment to Triumph (A)
.From Trials to Triumphs
.Fulfilling Our Glorious Destiny
.Fulfilling Our God-Given Purpose
.Fruitful or Frazzled?


.A Gateway of Hope
.A Gentle and Just God
.Get Into Agreement with God
.Get Out of the Way
.Get Over It! (A)
.Get Specific with Your Prayers
.Getting Alone With God
.Getting Burned
.Getting Our "Fair Share"
.Getting Serious About God's Promises
.Give God the Right to Direct Your Life
.Give Him Repeated Thanks
.Give Him the Glory!
.Give Thanks for Jesus
.Giving God Control
.Giving Ourselves to Humble Tasks
.Giving Thanks in All Things
.Glad in God's Presence
.Go Ahead and Complain
.Go in God's Strength
.God Can Give You Much More
.God Can Make Us Prosper Right Now
.God Cares About the Details
.God Has a Turnaround for You
.God Has Called You to Live in Peace
.God Himself will Provide
.God Hurts When We Hurt
.God is Getting Our Attention
.God is a Good Listener
.God is Doing Something New!
.God is Still in Control
.God is Up to Something Good! (A)
.God Meant it for Good
.The God of Comfort
.A God of Deliverances
.The God of Miracles
.God Protects the Simplehearted
.God Sees and Cares (A)
.God Sees Their Sinful Ways
.God Sees Your Future
.God Takes Care of His Own
.God Tests Us Before He Trusts Us
.God Watches Over Our Plans and Paths (A)
.A God Who Bends Down To Listen
.The God Who Makes Things Happen
.A God Who Works Behind the Scenes
.God Wants to Keep His Promises to You
.God will Change Your Priorities
.God Will Do a Strange Thing
.God Will Do Even More
.God Will Make Another Way
.God Will Not Leave You Comfortless
.God will Put a Smile on Your Face
.God will Repay You with Good
.God will Work on Your Behalf
.God-Honoring Priorities
.God's Antidote for Disappointment
.God's Blessing-Bearing Word
.God's Care In Times Of Crisis
.God is Doing Something New!
.God's Favor and Salvation
.God's Goal in Speaking to Us (A)
.God's Greater Power
.God's Healing Touch
.God's Healing Word (A)
.God's Instructions in the Heat of Battle
.God's Lines of Authority
.God's Loving Correction
.God's Mysterious Methods
.God's Pathway for Your Healing
.God's Plan for Our Finances
.God's Perfect Plan for Us (A)
.God's Perfect Timing (A)
.God's Perfecting Power
.God's Perspective, Promise and Power (A)
.God's Prescription for Healing
.God's Promise of Forgiveness
.God's Promises--True or False?
.God's Protection and Peace
.God's Provision of Boundless Might
.God's Purpose for You
.God's Purpose in Testing Us
.God's Rescue Operation
.God's Servants Must Not Quarrel
.God's Special Treasure
.God's Strategy for Success (A)
.God's Timing and Our Readiness
.God's Umbrella Of Protection
.God's Waiting Room
.God's Will In Every Situation
.God's Will is Not Automatic
.God's Winning Strategy (A)
.God's Word: Living and Active
.God's Word Runs Swiftly to You
.God-Haters vs. God-Lovers
.God is Ready to Set Things Right
.God-Pleasers Vs. Man-Pleasers (A)
.Going Deeper With God
.The Golden Rule for Prayer
.Good Judgment for Decisions
.Good Judgment vs. Poor Judgment
.Good Reason to Hope
.Good Things Vs. God Things (A)
.Grace Under Pressure
.Gratitude vs. Greed
.Great Expectations
.Great is His Mercy
.Great Lengths
.Grow Constantly in Strength
.Guard Your Mouth and Your Life
.Guide and Strengthen Yourself and Others


.Handling Finances God's Way
.Hard Messages
.He Gets Our Attention Through Adversity
.He Is All We Need
.He Is Our Shield
.He Lifts Us Up
.He Saved Me from My Enemies
.He Sees Every Tear
.He Who Promised is Faithful
.He Who Watches Over You Won't Slumber
.Healing Broken Relationships
.Healing for Our Body and Soul
.Healing in Your Hands
.Healing Thoughts (A)
.Hearing the Good Sheperd's Voice
.Help from the Lord
.Help in Heartache and Hardship (A)
.Help in Our Struggles (A)
.Help in Times of Weakness (A)
.Help Is On The Way
.Helpers Vs. Saviors
.He Shall Bring it to Pass
.The High Cost of Complaining
.The High Cost of Independence
.High Quality Companionships
.A Higher Level of Faith (A)
.Hindrances to Healing
.Hindrances to Our Faith
.His Faithfulness Will Be Your Protection
.Holding Out For Godly Companions
.Holy Boldness (A)
.Holy Spirit Blessings
.An Honest Life
.Honesty is the Best Policy
.Hope For The Hopeless
.Hopeful Faith
.How Anger Harms
.How God Reveals Himself
.How God Speaks To Us
.How God Uses 'Nobodies'
.How Silly Talk Becomes Sinful
.How to Claim God's Promises (A)
.How to Get 'God's Everything'
.How to Help Change Your Nation
.How to Maintain Your Peace (A)
.How to Read the Bible
.How We Can Touch God
.How We Should "Walk" (A)
.The Humble Get the Help (A)


.I Desire to Do Your Will (A)
.I Still Have a Lot to Be Thankful For (A)
.I will Give You Back what You Lost
.If Anyone Attacks You
.Ignoring Words of Doubt (A)
.The Ill Effects of Worry
.Imitators of God (A)
.The Importance of Joy (A)
.The Importance of Wisdom
.'Impossible' Prayers
.In the Days to Come You'll Understand
.In Their Misery They will Seek God (A)
.Increase Our Faith!
.Increasing Our Prayer Power
.Increasing Freedom from Anxiety and Fear
.Individual Ministry Needs
.The Influence of a Faithful Believer
.Instead of Worrying, Pray
.Intervening Trials (A)
.An Invitation to Criticism
.Invite God into Your Work
.Isaiah's Prayer (A)
.It Pleases God to Make Us Strong
.It's Not Too Late!


.Jesus is Calling You
.Jesus is Praying for You
.Jesus is Willing (A)
.Jesus The Healer
.Jesus 'Withdrew'
.Judge Him Faithful
.Judge Not (A)
.Just Five Minutes a Day
.Just Say NO!

.Keep Away from Strife
.Keep Going!
.Keep on Being Glad
.Keep on Believing (A)
.Keep on Believing for Your Healing
.Keep Planting Your Seed
.Keep Praying Until the Answer Comes
.Keep Silent and Remain Calm
.Keep Yourself from Being Polluted
.Keep Yourselves Fueled and Aflame
.Keeping Our Dreams In Proper Perspective
.Kingdom Blessings Here and Now
.Knowing and Trusting the Lord (A)


.Laying Hold of God's Promises (A)
.Leading Others to the Lord (A)
.Learning to Be Content
.Leave Room for God
.Leave Some Things Undone
.A Life Worth Living
.A Lesson from Lazarus (A)
.The Legacy of an Encourager
.Lessons From A Loss
.Lessons from Jehoshaphat
.Let Go and Relax!
.Let Go, Let God
.Let God Cross-Examine You
.Let God Turn Your Enemies into Allies
.Let God Use Your Pain
.Let God's Word Do the Talking! (A)
.Let Them Off the Hook
.Let Your Light Shine
.Let's Not Be Stupid
.Letting Go and Moving On
.Lies of the Enemy
.Limiting God's Blessings (A)
.Listen for His Voice
.Listen to Yourself
.Living Free from Indignation (A)
.Living Well is the Best Revenge
.Living Without Fear Or Dread
.Long-Lasting Blessings
.Look Ahead to New Things
.Look For What God Can Do
.Look Up To God (A)
.The Lord Can Give You Much More (A)
.The Lord Remembers Us
.Lord, What are You Going to Do?
.The Lord will Execute His Word
.The Lord Will Provide (A)
.The Lord will Put You in Charge
.Lost Opportunities
.Loving God and People
.Loving the Unlovable (A)
.Lunatic, Liar, or Lord?


.Maintain Your Faith and Don't Panic
.Make God's Laws Your Own
.Make It a Priority
.Make the Most of Every Opportunity (A)
.Making a Difference
.Making a Distinction
.Making Our Suffering Count
.Making the Most of Your Time
.Making Way For the New
.Managing Our Time
.A Matter of Trust (A)
.May the Lord Reward You Well
.Meditating on God's Character
.Mercy For the Guilty
.A Message of Restoration
.The Ministry of Heartbreak
.The Ministry Of Tears
.Miracles for 'Ordinary' People
.Mistakes -- A New Perspective
.Mix Faith with God's Word
.The Moment We Pray
.Multiplied Provision
.My Father is Greater Than All (A)


.Needs Vs. Wants
.Negative Reports
.Negotiating Difficult Times
.Never Stop Praying
.New Assignments (A)
.New Beginnings (A)
.Noble Vessels
.No Complaints
.No Condemnation
.No Easy Way Out
.No End to His Miracles
.No Expectations
.No Longer Orphans
.No Match for God
.No Provision for the Flesh
.No Pressure
.Not by Sight or Appearance (A)
.Not Information But Transformation
.Not My Problem!
.Not Perfect? Read This!
.Nothing Can Hinder the Lord from Saving
.Nothing Will in Any Way Harm You
.NOW is the Time of God's Favor and Salvation
.Nothing Can Hinder the Lord


.Obstacles To Fulfilling Our Ministry (A)
.One Step at a Time (A)
.The One Who Trusts won't Tremble
.Open and Closed Doors
.Opportunities and Open Doors
.Our Battle Against Sin (A)
.Our Best Friend and Shepherd
.Our Burden Bearer
.Our Christmas List for God
.Our Connection to God
.Our Desires and Secret Petitions
.Our Destiny and Its Timing
.Our Dreams or His?
.Our Giving God
.Our Healing God
.Our Heavenly Guard
.Our Heavenly Resources for Difficult Times (A)
.Our Helper the Holy Spirit
.Our Incomparable Privileges
.Our 'Little' Troubles
.Our 'New Beginning' God
.Our 'New Thing' God
.Our Peace and Personal Time with God
.Our Responsibility to Pray
.Our Secret Place (A)
.Our Side Outnumbers Them!
.Our Spiritual Mentor
.Our True Hero
.Our True Standard
.Our "Unrewarded" Work (A)
.Our Willingness to Trust
.Overcoming Anxiety (A)
.Overcoming Sin Through Prayer
.Overflow with Confidence in God's Promises
.Overlooked and Unappreciated


.Pain's Positive Outcome
.Painful Times
.Passing the Test
.A Passion for Living
.Payment from Heaven
.Peace and Effective Prayer
.Peace and Stability
.Peace is Protection
.Peace for Decisions
.Peace in All Circumstances
.Peace in the Days of Adversity
.Peace in the Midst of the Storm
.People are Watching
.Persevering for Prodigals
.A Place of Abundance
.Place Them in God's Hands
.Planting and Reaping Our Harvest
.Pleading the Promises of God
.Please Change Me
.Plenty of Food and Joy
.A Position of Great Honor
.The Positive Power of Saying "NO" (A)
.Potential Stumbling Blocks to Fulfilling Our Destiny
.Pour On the Love
.Pouring Out Our Complaints (A)
.The Power and Responsibility of Agreement
.The Power of Agreeing in Prayer
.The Power of Forgiveness (A)
.The Power of God's Implanted Word
.The Power of God's Word
.The Power of Joy
.The Power of a Peacemaker (A)
.The Power of Submission
.The Power of Our Words
.The Power to Get Wealth
.Power to Keep Calm (A)
.The Practical and Spiritual Sides of Healing
.Practical Steps to Spending Time in God's Word
.Praise Him as You Pray
.Praise in the Midst of Problems
.Pray About Everything
.Pray And Disobey
.Pray Focused Prayers
.Pray for All People
.Pray for Comfort
.Pray for Success
.Pray Now!
.Pray Yourself Through It
.The Prayer of Agreement
.Prayer that Gets Results (A)
.Prayer: The Ultimate Timesaver
.Praying Effective Prayers
.Praying for Ourselves (A)
.Praying for 'Snakes'
.Praying God's Will
.Praying God's Word with Power
.Praying In Advance
.Prepare and Strengthen Our Hearts
.Prepared for Trouble
.Present Your Case to God
.Preserving Our Families
.The Price of a Passive Response
.Prizing Our Possessions
.Problem-Solving Prayer
.The Promise of His Provision
.The Promises of Isaiah 41:10
.Proof of His Love
.The Proper Faith Response
.The Proper Perspective
.Proper Priorities
.Prophesying Our Future
.A Prophet Without Honor
.Publicly Declare Your Trust in God
.Pursue Perseverance (A)
.A Purpose for Your Pain
.Pursuing God's Best with Passion
.Pursuing God's Perfect Path
.Pursuing Peace in Our Families
.Put Everything in God's Hands (A)
.Put It Into Practice
.Putting Off Passivity (A)
.Putting Off Procrastination (A)


.The Question of Confirmations
.The Question of Suffering
.Quietly Trusting The Lord


.Radical Blessings
.Reaching Out in Times of Trial
.Reaching the Unreachable
.Real Help Comes from God
.Reasoning Away His Blessings
.Receiving the Answers to Our Prayers (A)
.The Recipe for Abundant Joy
.Recounting the Promises of God (A)
.The Refining Process (A)
.A Refusal to Correct
.Refuse To Worry (A)
.Regrets and Dead Ends
.Rejoicing in Our Labor (A)
.Relationship Restoration (A)
.Released and Free
.Remember Me
.Remember When You Prayed
.Remember with Confidence
.Remove Every Obstacle
.Remove the Source of Temptation (A)
.Rescue Precious Lives from Destruction
.Resist Defeat!
.Resort to Prayer
.Responding to Rebels (A)
.Resting in God's Will for Us
.Restoration vs. Ruin
.Retroactive Prayer
.Restore Me to Full Health (A)
.Return to the Lord (A)
.Revelation from Heaven (A)
.Revenge Is Sweet!
.Rewards for the Faithful (A)
.Rewards for the Repentant
.The Rewards of Childlike Faith
.The Rewards of Endurance
.The Right Decision Every Time
.The Right Place at the Right Time
.The Right Response To Trials
.The Right Way to Forgive (A)
.The Right Words at the Right Time
.Rooted And Built Up
.Running a Successful Race (A)
.Running From Temptation


.Saturated in Prayer
.The Saving Power of Praise (A)
.Saying Goodbye
.Saying 'No' To Self-Pity
.The Season of Miracles
.Seasons of Loneliness
.Search for Faithful People
.The Secrets of His Promises
.Secure Homes
.Seeds of Protection
.Seize the Promises
.Seek God Earnestly and Diligently
.Seeking Closure
.Seething Within
.Sensitive to His Voice
.Separate Yourself
.Serve the Lord without Distraction
.Set Them An Example
.Shake It Off!
.Share Their Joy
.Sheltered by God's Promises
.Show a Little Hutzpah!
.Show Us Your Mercy
.Shunning Self-Indulgence
.Shunning Bitterness in Our Suffering
.Shunning Shame and Disappointment (A)
.Shut Up and Pray
.Shutting the Door on the Destroyer
.Sin: It's All in Your Mind
.Skills Blessed by God
.Small Beginnings
.Some Good News About Suffering (A)
.The Source of Our Confidence
.Speak the Truth in Love
.Speedy Answers
.Spirit-Led Prayer
.Spiritual Smokescreens
.Spiritual Spankings
.Stand Firm in Your Faith
.Stand Your Ground
.Stay Away from Fools
.Stay Busy Enjoying Life
.Stay Faithful to God and Speak Words of Faith
.Steer Clear of Foolish Discussions
.Steps Directed by the Lord
.Stop Doubting and Believe
.Stop Judging by Mere Appearances
.Stop Limiting God
.Stop Mixing Worry with the Word (A)
.Stop Planning to Worry
.Stop Pushing Yourself
.Strength in Adversity (A)
.Strength in Times of Loss
.Strongholds of Human Reasoning
.Stubbornness: Good vs. Bad
.Stubbornness vs. Surrender
.Suffering According to God's Will
.Supernatural Peace (A)
.Supernatural Strength (A)
.Supernatural Well-Being
.The Sure Foundation for Your Times


.Take Heart, You Are Not Alone
.Take The Initiative
.Take The Limits Off (A)
.Taking a Stand
.Taking a Stand Against Despair (A)
.Taking Away the Props
.Taking Jealousy Seriously
.Talk to Yourself!
.Testing Will Surely Come
.That's Not What I Meant!
.Things Aren't Always What They Seem
.Things that Distract
.Things Will Become Clear in the Days to Come (A)
.This is God's Doing
.Those Who Want the Best for Us
.Times of Testing
.Too Distressed To Pray
.Too Much Thinking and Talking
.Torn Between Two Desires
.The Touch of Faith
.Toxic Thoughts
.Train Yourself to Be Godly
.Trivial Troubles
.The Trouble with Gossip (A)
.True Ministers of God
.Trust the Promises of God
.Trust Means...
.Trust Only in God Every Moment
.The Truth About Sin
.The Truth About "Venting"
.Try God
.Turning Adversities into Advantages
.Turning Misery Into Ministry
.Turning the Tables on the Enemy (A)
.Two Sides to Every Story


.Unbelieving Believers
.Unexpected Options
.Unfamiliar Paths
.Ungodly Counsel
."UnGodly" Invitations
.Ungodly Philosophies (A)
.UnGodly Prayers
.The Unsearchable Ways of God
.The Untold Blessings of God
.Unwavering Faith
.Unwholesome Talk (A)


.Victory Over Temptation


.Wait for God to Intervene
.Wait for the Harvest
.Waiting for God's Best
.Walking in the Spirit (A)
.Watch for Those God-Winks
.Watch Your Words
.The Way Of Escape
.The Way to Freedom
.We Are All One in Christ
.We Are Being Watched
.We're Not Quitters
.We're Still Here
.Wealth, Honor and Exaltation
.What Are We Living For?
.What Are You Afraid Of?
.What Are You Listening To?
.What Blessings God Has for Us Now! (A)
.What Do You Want Me to Do for You?
.What Does God Want You to Do?
.What is it That You Do?
.What We Approve
.What We Hope for is Waiting for Us
.What We Permit or Forbid
.What's Eating You?
.When All Else Fails
.When Doctors Treat in Vain
.When God Closes Doors
.When Human Help is Worthless
.When Others are Led Astray
.When Trouble Comes
.When Trouble Strikes
.When the Wicked Succeed
.When We Have to Disappoint Others
.When We 'Miss' God
.When We Miss God
.When We Need Wisdom (A)
.When Words are Many (A)
.Where is Your Faith?
.Whether They Listen or Not (A)
.Whine Or Worship? (A)
.Who Has Believed Our Report?
.Who Is Your Source?
.Who Told You It's Not Working?
.Who Will Stand Up for the Lord?
.Why Are You Afraid? (A)
.Wild and Wonderful Answers to Prayer
.Winning Battles God's Way (A)
.Winning the Respect of Outsiders
.Wisdom for the Best and Quickest Solutions
.Wisdom for Good Decisions
.Wisdom for Relationships
.A Word Spoken in Due Season
.Words for the Weary
.Worried, Bothered, and Anxious
.Worship Opens Doors (A)
.Wrestling for the Blessing (A)
.Write It Down



.You Are God's Property
.You Are More Valuable to God
.You Are Never Alone
.You Can't Please People
.You Have a Job to Do!
.You Have the Power
.You Must Speak for Me, Lord
.You Need to Hear from God
.You Shall Be Sought After
.You Shall Dwell at Ease
.You Should Pray
.You will be Strong All Your Life
.You Will Know Them By Their Fruit
.You will Not be Humiliated
.You will Surely be Rewarded
.You Will Understand Later On
.You'll Get what You're Looking Forward To
.You're Too Busy!
.Your Change will Come
.Your Enemies will Plead with You
.Your Future will Be Extraordinary!
.Your God is a Great and Awesome God
.Your Healing Touch
.Your Mighty Warrior Who Saves
.Your Prayers Are Working!
.Your Progress will be Evident to All


(A) = Audio Devotional Included
For older devotionals from J.M. Farro, click here.
For a list of healing promises from the Bible, click here.

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This Friday, March 14, 2025
Shout Praises Kids! Español Buen Dios [Integrity]
UPPERROOM 1350 (Live) [Capitol CMG]

1K Phew All I Need - Single [Reach]
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Next Friday, March 21, 2025
Kayla Berry Soar - Single (independent)
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Faith Worship Arts The Lifter (Live) - Single [DREAM Worship]
Life.Church Worship Christ In Me - Single (independent)
Seph Schlueter Turn It To Praise - Single [Provident]

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