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JFH Devotionals by J.M. Farro

Even Now

"But I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask."
- John 11:22 NIV

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These words were spoken to Jesus by Martha, the sister of Lazarus. Her brother had already been dead four days by the time Jesus arrived. Yet here she confesses her faith in the Savior to do even the impossible. Moments later, Martha witnesses a miracle as her brother is raised to life by the Master.

Years ago, God began bringing me up to a new level of faith. He taught me how to pray what I now refer to as my "even now" prayers. I would be facing an impossible situation, and it would seem like all the doors before me had been closed. My first impression would be to think, "I guess it just wasn't God's will." Then I would sense another impression coming up in my spirit telling me to continue praying in faith. I might pray something like this: "Lord, I admit this looks like a hopeless situation, but I know that even now, You can make a way where there seems to be none. I ask that You do that, Lord." I have seen so many seemingly closed doors opened by praying like this, that my prayer life has been radically changed forever. And I have used this principle in praying about small matters, as well as larger ones.

Jesus said, "The things which are impossible with men are possible with God." (Luke 18:27 NKJV) I think it's sad that our society has gotten so sophisticated and cynical that we have forgotten how to pray for the impossible. In Jeremiah 32:27 (NIV), the Lord says, "I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for Me?" This statement should not only encourage us, but it should convict us as well. Psalm 77:19 (TLB) says, "Your road led by a pathway through the sea - a pathway no one knew was there!" The Israelites never could have imagined that God would make a way for them through the Red Sea. Likewise, when we pray for the impossible, God will often make a way for us that will exceed our expectations.

Psalm 77:14 (TLB) says, "You are the God of miracles and wonders! You still demonstrate your awesome power." When we ask God for the impossible, we invite Him to work wonders in our lives - something He delights in doing. Have you given up on a dream or vision that God has planted in your heart, because at this point, it looks like it can never come to pass? What "impossible" situations do you have in your life right now that perhaps you have given up on too soon? It could be that the Lord is just waiting for you to come to Him in faith today, saying, "Lord, I know that even now…"

Prayer: Lord, I ask that You increase my faith and expand my vision so that I can trust You to do the impossible in my life. Help me to never put limits on You. When I am tempted to give up on a situation too soon, remind me to ask You to make a way where there seems to be none. Thank You that You are the God of the impossible and nothing is too difficult for You!

- J. M. Farro


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